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Suggestion New area for mining

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Feb 19, 2012
Mastering crafter professions has become a lot hard now that almost every cave in the world has been stripped. This will be even worse as the server progresses because the map will have less and less resources. Im not saying that there is a lack of resources just that it is now very hard to get xp because strip mining is the only option. I think that you could fix this by adding in a new world for mining that would reset itself and become a completely new world every so often. This world would probably have to be much smaller than the normal HC world. People could pay a certain amount of money to gain access to this world. The players would not be able to keep the resources that they mined because if they were able to there would be so much supply that resources would have almost no value. To do this people could be given a specific set of items that they would use to mine. This is to not complicate what should be taken from the player's inventory and what should not. This would make this world purely for xp and not for the resources. This might become far too easy so to spice things up people could also pay to instead of mine, hunt down the miners. The hunters would get a different set of gear based on their class similar to how the MA equipment is dealt out. They would also pay for entry to the world and whenever they killed someone they would receive a reward that they could keep. Everyone would spawn randomly in the map or else these people would be able to camp the miners and it would be unfair. This addition would not only make gaining xp easier but also more exiting. It is like a minigame inside of HC and would make mining much more enjoyable.
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