1. My ingame name is: Rckola86
2. Location & Age: United States, age 24
3. Previous bans from other servers: None
4. Referral: None
5. How did you hear about Herocraft: A top server list
6. Have you voted for Herocraft: No
7. Have you subscribed to our youtube: No
8. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS: Yes
9. Special Key: HCR8
10. Reason you should be accepted: I want to see what herocraft is all about
11. Don't want to wait to be accepted? Visit http://hc.to/premium
2. Location & Age: United States, age 24
3. Previous bans from other servers: None
4. Referral: None
5. How did you hear about Herocraft: A top server list
6. Have you voted for Herocraft: No
7. Have you subscribed to our youtube: No
8. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS: Yes
9. Special Key: HCR8
10. Reason you should be accepted: I want to see what herocraft is all about
11. Don't want to wait to be accepted? Visit http://hc.to/premium