- Joined
- May 14, 2012
- Location
- United States
Minecraft In-game Name: MrRedLogan (Mr = I am a man, Red = Im a redhead, Logan = my first name)
Location & Age: Tavares, Florida, United States, Earth, Milky Way, Universe, Age: 19
Bans: I do have 3 on record. But that was a long time ago. Im not sure if McBans puts dates on bans but if they do you will notice they were a few months ago.
Referral: Ummmmm.... Non that I know of D=
How did you hear about HeroCraft: I'm am a active member on bukkits site and i was reading and saw the owners posts and I thought I would give your server a try =)
Have you voted for HeroCraft? Twice!
Do you agree to the HeroCraft EULA & ToS: Yes!
Reason you should be accepted: I'm really looking for a good server to settle down on. i tend to jump around alot and its not to fun. ObsidianCraft seems to greedy and the staff listen to no one, and LegendaryCraft is way way way to crowded for me.
Special key: HCM10
Addition Info: Lets see.... I am a ginger (redhead) and work at Florida Hospital Waterman. I really love RPG games such as Fallout, Mass Effect, and The Elder Scrolls. I also love to help new players =D I have a few months of owning a server so I can troubleshoot most big plugins such as Essentials, Mutiverse, WorldEdit/Guard, and many others. I also love playing puzzle games such as Portal 2. If you have any questions feel free to ask =D
Location & Age: Tavares, Florida, United States, Earth, Milky Way, Universe, Age: 19
Bans: I do have 3 on record. But that was a long time ago. Im not sure if McBans puts dates on bans but if they do you will notice they were a few months ago.
Referral: Ummmmm.... Non that I know of D=
How did you hear about HeroCraft: I'm am a active member on bukkits site and i was reading and saw the owners posts and I thought I would give your server a try =)
Have you voted for HeroCraft? Twice!
Do you agree to the HeroCraft EULA & ToS: Yes!
Reason you should be accepted: I'm really looking for a good server to settle down on. i tend to jump around alot and its not to fun. ObsidianCraft seems to greedy and the staff listen to no one, and LegendaryCraft is way way way to crowded for me.
Special key: HCM10
Addition Info: Lets see.... I am a ginger (redhead) and work at Florida Hospital Waterman. I really love RPG games such as Fallout, Mass Effect, and The Elder Scrolls. I also love to help new players =D I have a few months of owning a server so I can troubleshoot most big plugins such as Essentials, Mutiverse, WorldEdit/Guard, and many others. I also love playing puzzle games such as Portal 2. If you have any questions feel free to ask =D