- Joined
- May 20, 2012
Name: mrminiman7779
Location & age: Panama city beach, Florida, and i'm 17 years old
Previous bans: 404 error, none
Refferals: none
I found herocraft by looking up the sever list, it seemed pretty good!
I have voted for Herocraft.
I did agree to the EULA & ToS
I am a nice guy, with no griefing included!!
Special key: HCm13
Additional info: I love rpgs.
Location & age: Panama city beach, Florida, and i'm 17 years old
Previous bans: 404 error, none
Refferals: none
I found herocraft by looking up the sever list, it seemed pretty good!
I have voted for Herocraft.
I did agree to the EULA & ToS
I am a nice guy, with no griefing included!!
Special key: HCm13
Additional info: I love rpgs.