I think monks are very weak because their Ironfist only deals 2 dmg when a stone sword deals 3.5 damage without armor.
The improvements that I was thinking off was:
Ironfist = Deals as much as a stone sword and make it so that all items damage are increased to 3.5 hearts because you'll probably be picking up alot of items when killing someone.
Bandage = Decrease the time required to heal someone and/or change it so that the person being healed can look around but not move.
I also think Monks should be able to use wooden pickaxes since they can use stone and iron, not that important.
The improvements that I was thinking off was:
Ironfist = Deals as much as a stone sword and make it so that all items damage are increased to 3.5 hearts because you'll probably be picking up alot of items when killing someone.
Bandage = Decrease the time required to heal someone and/or change it so that the person being healed can look around but not move.
I also think Monks should be able to use wooden pickaxes since they can use stone and iron, not that important.