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Mod Staff Application: Poldy101

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Jul 9, 2014
  1. Minecraft IGN: Poldy101
  2. Position applying for: Mod
  3. Age|Timezone: 15, Eastern Time Zone
  4. How long have you been on Herocraft?: 1month
  5. Why do you think you would make a good mod?:To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community of AEM because I ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences and a sincere inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary satisfaction to players in need of any particular assistance. I am a person who shares a natural obligation and heavy dedication to those in need of a correct moderation. I will be there to help them with confusion/questions for hours worth of time as well! My highest priority when it comes to staffing is that I focus on most is moderating over servers. I am not really a person who wants to dedicate themselves to formulating new structures or residing to head-to-head combat. I find it more intriguing to supply players with a jubilant sense of feeling from my overall performance. I would be sure to keep dissonance from progressing to ghastly circumstances. I would basically focus on the whole idea of my existence to staffing within this community, which is simply stated by pursuing a largely said portion of time spent on the server, encompassing the chat within a correctly moderated state, assuring the prosperity of attentiveness to answer all questions to my highest potential, keeping in touch with other fellow staff about suggestions/ideas/answers, and securing the server from all egregious irrelevancy.I am also special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with the best of my ability or at least die trying. My effort is genuine and I am a very nice and reasonable person. I treat people with respect and I take stands based on facts and evidence, not because they are my friends or I know them. I am also a very neat and organized person. I may be considered a neat freak but the results pay off. Everything will be organized and in tip top shape. My experience also plays a huge role in who I am. I know lots of things and I have years of experience in running a team. I know what it takes to run a tip top team and how to maintain it. In the end, I have a lot of traits that would make me the ideal person for the job.Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.There is a very clear reason in my head that makes me believe I am suitable to be staff, experience. Others may downplay experience but it has taught me a lot. From all of my different staff positions I have learned different things. First, my strategy for dealing with rule breaking players, I have reviewed lots of applications where the person says I will warn them three times and than mute them. Honestly I hate this strategy; its very robotic and the player will probably appeal and do it again. My personal preference to dealing with such issues is convincing. I like to try to talk a spammer out of spamming. In my opinion showing them how what they are doing is pointless and really does nothing can possibly convince them not to do it again. Of course this doesn’t always work than in that case I have to mute them. Banning to me is a last resort. I always oppose banning players unless it is obvious that they must be banned or it’s a last resort. In my view servers love their members and all that banning does is remove members. If we can change the view of such troublemakers than we can have a great community base. Also I understand how to treat a staff rank. When I have been given the privilege to serve on a staff team I take it very seriously. I will joke around with others but I have learned to respect the rank. Being staff will not make me cool or give me respect but it is my goal to help and server the players of this server. I understand that under no circumstances should I abuse and that I have been given a chance to be a part of the staff team, a chance I should be very grateful for. I hope that I can qualify above mediocre and be exceptional. My experience in the past has taught me how to deal with people, how to inspect and analyze a situation, and how to respect everyone. Lastly I do not have anger issues and I don’t rage. I have learned how to keep my cool even in the most frustrating situations. It will be very rare that you see me genuinely pissed off at someone. I have handled many situations in the past and I believe that the challenges I will face on your server will be within by ability.I am that guy you see online on a server that has 200 slots available and only one person online, that being me. I am that guy you see at 3 O'Clock in the morning playing Minecraft for no apparent reason on a cool Summer night. Dedication is what I lack in the past server I was working for and that was the reason why I quit or the server ended up being closed. I can assure you that I am very dedicated with everything. I will answer personal messages within a few hours, I can answer Skype messages the moment you send them. It's how I work and how I live my life. My job as a forum moderator requires me to be active so I am always on some sort of electronic device regardless of the time, area, and day. In return I expect my peers to be dedicated as well. The least I can do is return the favor by being active. I personally have a large sum of time on my hands. I only take one musical instrument outside of school, which frees up my time a lot. In order to balance this time I plan what I need to do every day. Currently I am holding 1 separate staff position (which I will list below with evidence), which is very time consuming. However if I am accepted and given the privilege to work with the your server and its staff team I would immediately leave such positions. On an estimate between practicing my musical instrument, doing schoolwork, and moderating the server, I would be able to spend around 3-5 hours on your server and the Forums. I understand that Moderating or Administrating is a very demanding job, but I am prepared to take it on. I have held 5 staff positions in the past. Unfortunately I can only provide evidence for four of them. I am currently a Head-Mod on Music craft this is a low scale server mainly because previously it was a minigame server. Lack of funds forced us to downgrade to survival and creative. Although I didn’t deal with a lot of people there, it taught me how to deal with minigames contrary to survival. Also, I hold an admin position on an opening server called Cracked cube this server is starting out so there isn’t much to say about it. The website is up but server is currently down for maintenance. Lastly I hold a Co-Owner position on a server me and my friend made I deal with around 7 people a day here but the other staff members of this server has taught me a lot about professionalism. There is one more server but unfortunately it shut down due to lack of funds I held a head-admin position on it and I was around the only active staff on it. By myself I handled around 30-50 people on a day. This server taught me how to handle large crowds, which I believe will be especially helpful on the server. I held one more moderator staff position but I have no proof of it so I will not be mentioning it here.I've had a lot of experience on many servers. I have had all the positions that basically gives me complete control over the server. These can vary from , Head-mod, Head Admin, General Manager, and such. As I said before, managing a server is nothing new to me and managing servers is what I enjoy best.

    Extra Question:

    Scenario: What would you do if someone was advertising another server?

    Like I said before, the tactic of 3 warnings and then a ban system is very robotic. On the other hand there are two things that make me ban people automatically,hacking and advertising, these two are an exception to which I will not take lightly. There are many reasons for this, one hacking ruins the fun on a server,which is to have fun, and advertising takes our players away. So if advertising was to happen I would ban then on the spot no questions asked.

    Scenario: What would you do if another moderator was abusing, teleporting to players, griefing, and banning people?

    Well this question is hard, let me rephrase it"what if a trustworthy staff member and friend was found abusing power". Now that is very different, when players do something it's easier to handle it since you do not know them per se, but a staff member although hard, has to learn the consequences of there actions just like very other player has. Saying this I would always talk to the staff member see why he/she did it.I have been in many scenarios where staff members, trusty staff members, were caught abusing power. After a week of investigating ,it was found that the staff member was hacked and his account was being manipulated. So in end it depends on the staff member and his actions prior to the abusing.

    Plugin Knowledge?

    Having owned a few servers, its very crucial to be able to work with plugins. Without it, a server can be as good as nothing even with a million dollar idea. I know how to manage plugins and use them to create the best experience for the player. Imagine an empty pallet and the paint is plugins. You need to create something amazing with those plugins, those are your main source of art. I can do all of that and a lot more. I myself have a few good friends who can work with Java and Bukkit Plugins and I am able to get some amazing custom made plugins done. A server just isn't a server without the right and amazing plugins.

    Can I build:

    I have created some amazing things with a group of builders and it always amazes me how much creativity a group of people can bring out. It is just truly amazing to be able to create a great structure using your creativity and a group of friends. I do not have many pictures but I do have a video. This is one of the first builds I did all by myself and without World Edit. After finishing I was inspired to do more and thats when it all took off.

    Am I more technical or social:

    When it comes to technical I am VERY technical. In times of a job I am very serious and I only expect the best. I'm a type of leader who is willing to get down and work along with the staff on the server. This is where my social part comes in. Everywhere I have worked in I made some great friends and I have never received a complaint ever. I am very professional and I treat everyone as I wanted to be treated.

    How Would Your Best Friend Describe You: Well, accordingly to my friends overall speculation, I'm sure he'd qualify me as a very precisely wise and rather “debatable” person. As he has long come to comprehend, I in fact find a sincere inclination in providing a rather heavy set of vocabulary to my writing pieces. It is one of my favorable habits.

    What Is Your Greatest Weakness: Personally stated, I can simply claim that one of my highest weaknesses is living in a state of depression. I am generally a very jubilant soul. According to my past experiences, I have attempted to mend those of a sentimental mind. Ones who besieged themselves in a form of egregious melancholy. It had soon come to haunt my being, feeding off of my essence and depriving me of my natural ways. At that moment, I couldn't keep dedicating my very life to those who couldn't seek ways to walk on there own.

    What Is Your Greatest Achievement: Forever and always I have found a sincere inclination in supporting people, writing essays/stories, drawing, and giving my honest aphorisms. Yet, the main idea I am going to focus on as my highest achievement is supporting others. As you have come to understand, I consist of a very ecstatic personally. I can be considerably frivolous at times while still maintaining my very perceptive disposition. I find an exceptional amount of prosperity when I help others seek there very own place of happiness. Simply said, I feel there is nothing better than keeping others satisfied as they should be!

    What Are Your Long-Term Goals: A few of my long-term goals I look forward to in my nearing future are to develop a very spectacular amount of vocabulary to incorporate to my writings/quotes, learn to draw detailed and well drawn realistic animals, and be sure to always be there for someone who yearns to feel welcome in this world of illusion. Out of all of these few goals, I look forward to helping people most. I completely comprehend the misfortunes of this world.

    What Major Obstacles Have You Overcome: One major obstacle I have overcome within my life, were the sincere struggles of my personal problems. There was once a time where I was in a hole of trickery and delusion. All I had managed to grasp was the tenacious lachrymose of loss and deceiving ways. It was almost as if there was no where to go and no one to come to. I was flatly lost, dilapidated from the sadness. It was until one of my family members had come into my life and taught me the ways of a true heart, that I had learned we all had reasoning within our very soul. I had come to learn that we all are capable of the same power, it's just that not always do we use it correctly.

    What Unique Experiences Separate You From Others: I have to say, a major experience that differentiates me from others encounters, is the fact that I can simply claim heaven and hell along with demonic deities are existent to this rather cruel world without a single sheer of hesitation (my own form of proof.) It is a long story that I prefer not say (I feel that it shouldn't simply be rambled about unless necessary come to catechize by that individual.)

    What would you say would be grounds for a global server ban?
    Well a ban is something staff does to ensure the safety and comfortable environment for players to play in. There are two things that would cause an auto-ban, no questions asked, hacking and advertising. Now these are the major bans, why you ask well to start off hacking causes unfair disadvantage in pvp, causing players to rage which will ultimately causes them to leave the server. This is not something that neither staff, nor players would want to happen which will cause us to say good bye to one of our players. The second is advertising, this is something that not only is bannable, but is actually one of the few things that players can do that royally pisses me off. The audacity someone has to have to go on a server and advertise is something I will never comprehend. Now the reason that it get's me being into an austere guy with it, is that it causes players to try the ip the advertiser gives out. So if I was a Mod, I would instantly ban both hackers and advertisers with clear evidence. Now since I get accepted as a Helper not Mod, in a situation of someone hacking or advertising I would have to deter my original way of dealing with them. As a Helper, if I saw a player advertising I would permute get evidence and tell a higher ranking staff to ban immediately. As for a hacker I would get evidence and just report it to a Mod or Admin. Thats my top to insta-bans and how I would handle them, in a Mods perspective and a Helpers point of view on the matter.

    Do you work well with others?
    I work amazingly with others, as I respect immensely my superiors. I think that comes from my respectfulness

    Hypothetical Questions

    Two players are complaining and requesting assistance from a staff member, you're the only one online, how would you deal with the situation?
    Well although not all players have this, the answer to something like this happening is patience. Patience is key to life, without it we would be in a world of strains. Saying that if there were three even four people msging me questions, I would calmly ask everyone to be patient and that I will answer all there questions accordingly.If people were to get impatient, and start cursing and calling me a lazy staff I would tell people that I am trying my best and that I am only human. The trick to always have a smile on your face, does the trick to calm down people. So I would always stay calm, and all I ask for in return to players for my kind answers would be there patience. I am going to leave a little poem.

    Do you know why the leading cause of death, is accidents?
    It's because people are impatient.

    If that, man didn't speed up, to get to work early, those three children wouldn't have died in a car accident.
    If that child didn't turn the oven heat up, to get his cake baked faster, his family wouldn't have died in a fire.
    If that woman didn't leave the door open, so she could get her groceries faster, her dog wouldn't have gotten out and killed a baby.

    Get the picture?
    Patience is the key to life

    Two players are fighting in server chat and causing grief to everyone else on the server, what do you think would be the best way to go about difusing the situation?
    Well this is a bit complicated if you think about it. In a game like faction and pvp, there will always and instantaneously be many chat fight. Reason being that people get mad when they are raided or die in pvp. So in some circumstances I will let it pass, some times players need to get there anger out. Now saying this if a chat battle begins to get out of hand into racist slurs or just language get out of hand I will have to get involved. I would first calm then down by telling them that if they don't stop I will mute them. After calmed down I will get each of the players side of the story, with that I will basically put in a verdict to either mute them if it gets to out of hand. Give them a warning or just try to fix the problem that caused the argument prior to the fight.
  6. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I once once banned for major griefieng, I was younger and did not think clearly of the consequences of my actions can lead me too. I am much older know and know integrity, honor , respect and honesty.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
First off,

Learn paragraph structure for readability - I cannot even follow the wall of text.


We do not promote moderators/admins based on their previous experience with other servers, Moderators and Admins have been with the community for months, are active in the day to day of players and hold themselves accountable.

I hope you fit in here and perhaps apply to a lower staff position to get acclimated to our system.

Good luck!
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