Bethlehem pencilvainia age: 17
I have not been banned from any server that I know of
My friend from school he plays minecraft and he told me about it
Yes I have voted for the server
I think I should be accepted because I really like the server and I wanna explore more into it and see new areas of the server and I wanna be able to tell my friends on Xbox about this server and the fun perks and things to do cause me and my friend like 5 of them go around and look for all kinds of fun servers to go and play on and talk with the admins and the people.
Bethlehem pencilvainia age: 17
I have not been banned from any server that I know of
My friend from school he plays minecraft and he told me about it
Yes I have voted for the server
I think I should be accepted because I really like the server and I wanna explore more into it and see new areas of the server and I wanna be able to tell my friends on Xbox about this server and the fun perks and things to do cause me and my friend like 5 of them go around and look for all kinds of fun servers to go and play on and talk with the admins and the people.