1. Minecraft IGN / Age: mikehk/15
2. Position applying for: Balance Team
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: not too too long, just a little bit before Dragongarde got wiped, only really played in Bastion.
4. What's your favorite class/path?: I havent played too many classes, but I like the caster class, I am starting to like middle-range classes, as pyro seems to suit me perfectly. I have played as beguiler and didn't like it because towards lower levels it is extreemly weak, I want something that starts out a little more, and develops slowly, not something where you start as crap, and then become all of a sudden stronger when you get a certain skill.
5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: I can test mainly on weekends or during weekdays when I don't fall asleep, weekends: 8:00 PM until 1:00 AM sometimes more depending on whats going on during my day. 9:00 PM until 1:00 AM weekdays, never earlier, very sketchy if i get on at all during weekdays. (friday and thursday are in my "weekend") pacific timezone, USA
6. What sets you apart from other members applying for this team?: I am new, fresh, not exactly biased towards any specific class/path yet, I enjoy testing stuff, I am in the process of trying to make a World of Warcraft server using heroes and its class/path system, so I know the goings of making classes and such.
7. Do you have any similar experience?: other than testing class OPness on my server, I haven't held any server staff position yet, so not really, no.
8. Do you understand this team is for balancing current skills only?: yes,
9. Can you follow directions from a team lead, no matter what they ask?: yes
10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: although I'm new, I understand the concept of balance and such and I know when a class is too underpowered or overpowered. I would like to thank you for reading this.