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MajorasMask's Unmute from /ch O Appeal


Sep 3, 2011
IGN: MajorasMask

Muted by?: Kainzo

Time of mute: Around the 12th/13th of January.

Reason for mute: I posted after Kainzo said not to.

Your story: We were discussing the new idea Kainzo had of introducing graveyards instead of normal beds for respawning. I, alongside others, did not really like the idea - so I typed in my views. A discussion was formed and it got a bit out of hand. While I was typing, Kainzo said (in red text) if anyone had any further views they should post them on the forums, not there. I entered my post before noticing what Kainzo said. I agreed to what he said (to avoid any further ranting in /ch o).

However, after I posted I was muted and did not have time to say I would stop and bring my views to the forums.

I feel I have learned from this, so I will remember to check any previous posts before I comment. I wish to be unmuted from /ch o.

Please and thank you! :)