Hey, I play mid lane in league and I've finally made it to diamond after a lot of games.
Currently my main champions and their respective lanes are:
Quinn - Top
Kha'Zix or Orianna - mid
Nocturne or Lee sin - jungle
Kog'Maw or Ashe - ADC
Zyra - Support
I usually get to play top mid or jungle though. My laning phase in bot lane isn't very good unfortunately.
(Thread just for bragging right...)
Currently my main champions and their respective lanes are:
Quinn - Top
Kha'Zix or Orianna - mid
Nocturne or Lee sin - jungle
Kog'Maw or Ashe - ADC
Zyra - Support
I usually get to play top mid or jungle though. My laning phase in bot lane isn't very good unfortunately.
(Thread just for bragging right...)