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Jekotia's Whitelist Application


Glowing Redstone
Oct 28, 2011
In-game name: Jekotia
Location & Age: Canada, 20
Previous Bans (Includes other servers):
I was part of a blanket ban against the staff on my server. Several of the more immature moderators were harasssing a server we all used to play on, but I was never involved. The blanket ban was removed several months ago.​
Referral(s): None.
Reason you should be accepted:
I'm looking for a good server to have fun on when I'm not being an admin on my main server. I've heard a lot of good things about HeroCraft and would love to make this my home away from home. I'm told I'm an amazing builder but modesty prevents me from claiming this myself. I also like to roleplay. I have read the rules at the time of posting. On my server we have nearly zero tolerance for rule breakers, and I will hold myself to any and all rules on Herocraft. Of course I will not advertise my server here, but if anyone wishes to know what it is for the sake of the application process, I will gladly provide information via PM.​
How did you hear about Herocraft?: Through using your plugins :3
Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes.
Additional Info:
As mentioned above, I like to build. A little more about that: I'll spend months handcrafting a monolithic project, obsessing over details, and trying to make it BELIEVABLE. I dislike over-the-top projects that make me think "this shouldn't even be standing/possible." I believe in a practical approach to design, where the project looks like it COULD work in reality. e.g. My main build on my server is the citadel for a roleplay orientated faction. When it's done it will have housing for thousands of soldiers, storerooms large enough to contain everything that many people would need, armouries, dining halls, kitchens, washrooms, a logical supply chain that could provide everything needed to sustain the facility, etc. Material selection is based more on what it is than what it looks like. e.g. using wood in a structures foundation if it's adjacent to water is a no-no, as the foundation would rot in reality. I generally play only Minecraft, but as it gets stressful at times I'll fall back to games such as SpaceChem or Frozen Synapse if I want to challenge my mind, Borderlands if i want to blow **** up with friends, or Dragon Age or Mass Effect if I want to get lost in a grand story. I'm a fairly relaxed person, but I may be agitated at times if I'm coming from my server after dealing with a mess. I like to socialize ingame, and I often help other players when I can.

Also, since it was suggested in the whitelist app guide for those that claim to like to build, here's some screenshots. The project shown is entirely hand made. It's a bit outdated and needs fixing thanks to server stability issues resulting in rollback back earlier this year :/

http://imageshack.us/g/341/20111028162228.png/ is the top-most tower of the aforementioned citadel. It is the surface portion of a trans-world (3 worlds stacked and aligned) project. In the world below that tower will be the aforementioned citadel, and below that, the nether. Best if viewed after setting 'Sort' to 'Oldest.'​


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
Best app I've seen on the forums. Just wow.

Congratulations! You were accepted. Please, check your PM.