- Joined
- Feb 26, 2012
- In-game name: InfectedEthan
- Location & Age: Georgia/14, I'll be 15 tomorrow :]
- Previous Bans: None
- Referral(s): PernixPike, and Pulse_Designs
- Reason you should be accepted: I am a good architect on minecraft. I love to be creative and build awesome structures being anywhere from cool, simple designs to crazy, complex designs that make people say "Whoa!" I do love to build but when I'm not building anything, I enjoy leaving the area with friends and going out to pvp.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Friends told me through Skype
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes
- Additional Info: All of my friends have already been accepted to Herocraft. Now they're just waiting for me so we can make a town, prosper, and have a good time.