1. In-game name: iFearz
2. Location and Age: Netherlands, 14
3. Previous bans: no
4. Referral: no
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I really love playing on servers, it's way better than SP so when I saw a video on youtube about this server I immediately wanted to join this server. I also love building great stuff :icon_razz:
6. Additional info: I've already played a lot so I know what to do :icon_razz:
I have my own server, wich I play on with my friends. It's a craftbukkit server just like this server so I also understand how a craftbukkit server works.
I'm also not afraid of the zombies xD
Ofcourse I hate griefers, they're just lame...
My English isn't very well but most of the time people understand what I'm saying.
I'm not sure what else to type here so I'll post it now
2. Location and Age: Netherlands, 14
3. Previous bans: no
4. Referral: no
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I really love playing on servers, it's way better than SP so when I saw a video on youtube about this server I immediately wanted to join this server. I also love building great stuff :icon_razz:
6. Additional info: I've already played a lot so I know what to do :icon_razz:
I have my own server, wich I play on with my friends. It's a craftbukkit server just like this server so I also understand how a craftbukkit server works.
I'm also not afraid of the zombies xD
Ofcourse I hate griefers, they're just lame...
My English isn't very well but most of the time people understand what I'm saying.
I'm not sure what else to type here so I'll post it now