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[HERO] Warrior VS Rogue?

Jun 23, 2011
Simply put, I believe that compared to rogues, warriors are vastly inferior starting classes.

While it isn't a terribly huge deal, Rogues have iron swords when warriors, a class focused on fighting, have...

Stone swords?

Also, a look at armor : Warriors can wear leather armor and an iron chest. Rogues can wear only leather armor.

However, the fact is, in direct combat the rogue will probably already get the jump due to the sneak ability, and then you add in the iron sword VS the stone one, it's quite obvious who will win.

My suggestion is either A. Give an iron sword to the warriors, too or B. Give warriors more armor so they can withstand inevitable rogue sneak attacks.


Talking mainly about PvP here, by the way :)


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
Well, balancing classes in terms of the first class viability isn't the best idea always...giving a first tier class first tier items just makes sense. As you can see, 3/4 of the warrior specs have skilled geared towards being able to live longer than usual. The last class fits the role of warrior that you see, combat damage. On the other hand, rogues spec into more PvP obscure roles that do not directly fit into one group well. For example, a ranger can deal damage with a bow, but also track. Just as a beastmaster can also deal damage, but also utilizes animals. The key here is that for classes to be able to be established in a balanced way; they can not start off with very high tier items such as iron armor and iron swords or stone swords and diamond armor.

Just spec up and it will be balanced :). Also, warriors seem to be more PvE based before they spec due to their taunt skill, but that may just be me.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
Actually, I think rogues have the vast downside. Many warrior classes have attributes that rogues should have, such as speed. Warriors have stronger weapons and armor now. They have higher health. Rogues only have stealth, which is a limited skill. I think every class should be downed by a lot, items that you can or cannot use should not depend solely on class, but by level too, and Rangers should get some either crafter like attributes, like woodcutting (because when I think of rangers, I see a badass living off the land), more skills, or more access to weapons because Rangers are limited to bows, which can barely kill due to the ever present lag.


Jan 30, 2011
Does it matter that one class is better than another? Not really. Every class has its Pros and Cons. But in the end - War does not need to be fair. Someone once told me that there is no such thing as Over Powered. He was right. How you work in PvP is up to you. You could be amazing, and I have seen it many times before, as a craftor. Not even a speciallized one.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
I just majorly disagree with some classes not being able to use certain things. Maybe every class has its special things that they get a noticeable bonus from when using. So if a ranger is wearing his leather armor which is his specified armor, they would get an armor bonus or speed bonus or such. The ranger could still use other armor and weapons, but it would not benefit him as much or it might have a negative attribute to it. Like if the ranger wore iron, it would slow him down more than usual. This may also give crafters a very slim chance, at most, of defending themselves when their homes are broken into or such. Otherwise, the skill system is perfect in my eyes, and nothing else should be changed.


Jan 30, 2011
Craftors are not fit for fighting. If you want to fight - Become a warrior, archer, rogue.... ect...


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
im not saying that they should be able to fight, but maybe give them thought small, tiny, itsy-bitsy window of possibility that they couuld win a fight against a bandit, and they would feel much better and there would be less complaints.


Jan 24, 2011
Crafters do have a chance against bandits. Ive seen one angry crafter go toe-to-toe with four raiders and win before now. Its just a case of surprising the raiders by fighting back. or build a drawbridge over a big hole, and drop the raiders into it :)


Jan 30, 2011
Dude, most of the complaints, in my opinion, no offence, are just from the new players, possibly the younger groups, who do not understand the common idea of classes, teams and groups.

Craftors are there for crafting. Not fighting. Giving them a boost is not needed. They are not supposed to fight. It is up to the guy getting raiding to make sure his stuff is hidden, or, he has back up from like a warrior or rogue.

And I agree with Mr_Pi3. Craftors can still sneak up on people and kill them with a stone sword. It may not be diamond, but it is still powerful if used correctly.


Apr 25, 2011
Crafters don't have a disadvantage per se, just not an advantage. Take Malphagus for example, 50 alchemist, he has numerous times defended ironpass IN FRONT of the rogues and warriors taking out the baddies. Skill makes the player not the abilities.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
ok then I am now solely vouching for the ranger, which is a broken specialization ATM. Without an ironsword, they are pretty much useless. Bows are not suited for PvP due to lag, and its pretty hard to combat a full armored paladin with a stonesword.