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[Hamlet] [Magnolia] [Neutral]-Township App


Jan 15, 2013
In-game Name: SophusVir
Class/Future Classes:Crafter/Farmer
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: less than a week
Why do you want to join: Looking to be part of a town
What can you contribute towards the town: I plan to be a farmer so plenty of crops/meat/fish
Extra Information: Love to build and happy to help build anything needed in the town.


Mar 19, 2012
In-game Name: SophusVir
Class/Future Classes:Crafter/Farmer
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: less than a week
Why do you want to join: Looking to be part of a town
What can you contribute towards the town: I plan to be a farmer so plenty of crops/meat/fish
Extra Information: Love to build and happy to help build anything needed in the town.
Yep looks good, accept. But what pvp class would u want to be?


Jan 17, 2013
Mayor- njohansen
SIC- TheDarkSide6607​
1. No Griefing others houses.
2. Respect other members of the town
3. No stealing from other town members.
4. No killing other town members or allies. (Unless in a friendly Duel)
5. Do not build out side designated plots​
6. Listen to the Mayor/SIC​
7. Follow all server rules
*If you break these rules you will get warned then if you do it again you will be kicked from the town*
Application Format-
In-game Name:zaman678
Class/Future Classes:rouge/acher
Period of time you have been on Herocraft:12 days been camping for 5 days of that period
Why do you want to join:im lonely got no town
What can you contribute towards the town:mining,shop making,build and clearing/leveling
Extra Information:rugby player(uion) camper
Were i am from: austraila​
*If you would like to join, post below an application below*
None for now
None for now

Personal Allies-
Jan 16, 2013
In-game Name: Phantomfire7798
Age: 14
Class/Future Classes: Warrior/ Wanna become Samurai Crafter/ Wanna become Miner
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: 3 days
Why do you want to join: I would like to join this clan because im a fan of Fairy Tail and its also pretty hard surviving on your own in Herocraft
What can you contribute towards the town: I can contribute as a Builder as im pretty good at it But im open to helping anyway i can
Extra Information: I like building houses for some strange reason :D


Mar 19, 2012
In-game Name: Phantomfire7798
Age: 14
Class/Future Classes: Warrior/ Wanna become Samurai Crafter/ Wanna become Miner
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: 3 days
Why do you want to join: I would like to join this clan because im a fan of Fairy Tail and its also pretty hard surviving on your own in Herocraft
What can you contribute towards the town: I can contribute as a Builder as im pretty good at it But im open to helping anyway i can
Extra Information: I like building houses for some strange reason :D
Ok sweet, accepted


Apr 8, 2012
Application Format-
In-game Name: clossier
Age: 15
Class/Future Classes: Ranger/Merchant
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: about a year on and off
Why do you want to join: I live alone by myself in the middle of nowhere and would like to interact with other players
What can you contribute towards the town: I am great at building and can help defend the town
Extra Information: Level 15 Rogue and 26 Crafter right now but looking to level up
How active will you be: I am on usually for a about an hour or more a day


Aug 29, 2012
In-game Name: Killah426
Age: 14 , soon 15 (1.march)
Class/Future Classes: i was a smith/warrior but resetted it , im lvl 5 crafter/rogue now and have no future plans for now
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: was on since the wipe , pretty inactive though
Why do you want to join: my town (belegost) kicked me without telling me the reason (i think cuz inactivity, had school stuff to do)
What can you contribute towards the town: i just want to have some fun with other people , i hope i can help
you in raising the town (as i see its pretty new)
Extra Information: i like cookies
How active will you be: ill try to be at least 30mins/day on , ill probably be 2-3hours on weekends


Mar 19, 2012
In-game Name: Killah426
Age: 14 , soon 15 (1.march)
Class/Future Classes: i was a smith/warrior but resetted it , im lvl 5 crafter/rogue now and have no future plans for now
Period of time you have been on Herocraft: was on since the wipe , pretty inactive though
Why do you want to join: my town (belegost) kicked me without telling me the reason (i think cuz inactivity, had school stuff to do)
What can you contribute towards the town: i just want to have some fun with other people , i hope i can help
you in raising the town (as i see its pretty new)
Extra Information: i like cookies
How active will you be: ill try to be at least 30mins/day on , ill probably be 2-3hours on weekends
yeah dude, looks good! ACCEPTED! XD