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getting accepted


Glowing Redstone
Jul 11, 2012
minecraft -in-game-name:shadownight81
location & age:Usa, 13
previous bans from server: cuz of x-ray but then i took it off. didnt know u were not supposed to use it srry for using it really
how did u hear about herocraft: cousin told me about a cool server
have u voted for herocraft:no srry
do you agree to the eula and tos:yes
reason you should be accepted: i love mmos and rpgs and i like minecraft i think this is a cool server cuz of all the things my cousin told me about :)
special key:{HCS13}
additional info: i respect rules a lot and admins the same. i make fast friends on servers and thats mostly it i think i would love that you accepted me and thank you for your time reading this if its that you read it thank you :)


Glowing Redstone
Jul 11, 2012
yea im 13 but my big brother went to sleep an told me to do the appeal for him, and i did but he is 20 srry for my mistake my big bro is going to get mad tho :(


Glowing Redstone
Jul 11, 2012
Say you are 13 here, and profire shows 20, care to explain? @shadownight81
yea im 13 but my big bro went to sleep and told me to do the appeal he went to sleep because he came out of work and was tired i told him if he can make the appeal then he told me "you do the appeal" so i did. but he is 20 and the stuff i put about the following rules is the truth mostly because i am going to play the server more and he wont cuz of work. but he follows rules to as i said he WORKS. srry for putting 13


Glowing Redstone
Jul 11, 2012
@shadownight81 Your brother will need to make is own app, not you making it for him.
minecraft -in-game-name:shadownight81
location & age:USA, 20
previous bans from server: cuz of x-ray but then i took it off. didn't know u were not supposed to use it really.and i got a other 1 cuz of nothing its called hammar has spoken. idk(I DON'T KNOW) what that is, and i wasn't hacking or glitch i think they banned me because it was a faction server and admin and moders can pvp so i pvp with my team a moder and my to left so i knew i wouldn't win him so i used a ender pearl and went to spawn and i got banned lol y.
referrals:none (i don't now what that is referrals in minecraft i only know referrals in real life)
how did u hear about herocraft: cousin told me about a cool server
have u voted for herocraft:not yet srry i am going to tho maybe after this appeal
do you agree to the eula and tos:yes
reason you should be accepted:------>>>>o and srry for making my little brother doing the appeal as he told u i work and well most of the stuff i am going to say is truth like i respect rules i love mmos and rpgs (skyrim) i know this is a cool server i have seen my cousin play it.
special key:{HCS13}
additional info:AND MOSTLY ALL THE THINGS THAT MY LITTEL BROTHER PUT I DID'NT ERASE CUZ THERE THE TRUTH i respect rules a lot and admins the same. i make fast friends on servers and thats mostly it i think i would love that you accepted me and thank you for your time reading this if its that you read it thank you :)