Muted by: Kainzo
Time of mute: Couple days ago
Channel: H, T, O
Reason for mute: I freaked out after a restart when it cost 500c to spec and prof again
Your story: I started freaking out because it cost me 500c and no one was helping me then i started capsing and I got muted in o then t then h. I should have ped my problem sorry for using caps I just got scared I lost 500c.
Muted by: Kainzo
Time of mute: Couple days ago
Channel: H, T, O
Reason for mute: I freaked out after a restart when it cost 500c to spec and prof again
Your story: I started freaking out because it cost me 500c and no one was helping me then i started capsing and I got muted in o then t then h. I should have ped my problem sorry for using caps I just got scared I lost 500c.