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Favorite Memories of all Time in Herocraft

So what map did you join in?

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Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 20, 2011
I've seen map specific threads, but they make me think. Why not our favorite memories?

I've been playing since Kingdom and have many fond memories and laughs with our community, but one stands out from them all in the clearest detail...

Once upon a time, before the dawn of heroes, the dawn of Jeb, and even the dawn of Beta there was a map.
It was Herocraft's first map. I had joined pretty late but I played as if it was the beginning. I didn't talk much, I just mined and built, enjoying my own little world as I watched the global chat quietly, enjoying the conversations. I was mining as usual one day and I see people discussing the Nether in multiplayer coming to Herocraft.

What is this madness? The Nether in SMP? Impossible. Its highly unstable, we'd never see it at the rate of progress that the game was moving at. Well it was true. Our great lord Kainzo had given us the greatest gift we could ever wish for in the world of Herocraft. I entered. I was amazed. The Nether, with people! Oh how grand.

I proceeded to quickly mine netherrack, knowing that I was far under prepared to obtain lightstone or soul sand. I got a sizable amount and was satisfied, returning to the overworld, and then my castle in the ocean. (Runecrafting made such a thing possible, oh how I miss it) I then go to bed, feeling the joy of my dream being fulfilled, I had Nether materials!

The next day I get online and sadly discover that the Nether had been removed again due to instability. Shameful, yes, no lightstone for me sadly. But I had my netherrack and was happy as is. So I proceeded to build with it. A few minutes later I am banned. Shocked, I question my friend on the topic. He tells me that I had been "hacking netherrack". I laugh, saying how silly it is.

Within 20mins of the ban I've already had it sorted out with Kainzo, proving that I was able to enter the Nether and did leave it with materials from the Nether, which nullified the ban.

I miss the old ban system.

Another memory I'm fond of is the event in which a foolish player greifed one of Apherdite's diamond blocks, claiming he just wanted to hold it. This has been a running joke among me and my friends since then. Funny stuff.

Post your memories below!