game name: et_ironman
LocationandAge: Australia\vic\22
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I read about ur server and thought it was really cool with the classes and your awesome
Additional info: None
Have you voted for us? http://tiny.cc/voteHC: YES
Why I want to join herocraft : I love mine craft and hero craft is awesome and love working with more people
Why you should pick me : I am good at making traps and making mines and i can even find diamond
LocationandAge: Australia\vic\22
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I read about ur server and thought it was really cool with the classes and your awesome
Additional info: None
Have you voted for us? http://tiny.cc/voteHC: YES
Why I want to join herocraft : I love mine craft and hero craft is awesome and love working with more people
Why you should pick me : I am good at making traps and making mines and i can even find diamond