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Erebos Lore


Aug 27, 2011
This is the intro bit for a series I plan on writing about ATV and Greek's town of Erebos, documenting exciting bits of raids and piecing together entertaining stories from them. Hope you'll enjoy it!


A day’s travel West from the heart of Dragongarde, lies a place of darkness. A castle, pouring lava from its roof like the maws of a great frothing beast facing skyward. Its walls are stone and iron, and at night the land around it teems with the souls of the night. This is the castle of Erebos.

Within it dwell 60 some odd heroes, tainted heroes, fraught with an insatiable lust for blood. These are souls of the fringe, touched by the mind of Dagith, allowed to live only by the mercy of the Elder Zo. These souls are in the most part, remnants of the great Greek empire of Zeal. The sprawling cities of Athena, Ares, and many more were abandoned when Kainzo spirited the souls of that world to Dragongarde. Some of those souls were caught for an instant in the domain of Dagith the Terror-Monger, and tainted by his thoughts. When the reached Dragongarde, they could not survive in peaceful settlements the likes of Lightforge. They established their own castle of Erebos, and live inside it. What horrors conspire within, the outsider will never know, for its wall are built of the hardest rock, constructed by the best architects of their order.

Unfortunately for those souls of good who dwell in other cities, these denziens of Erebos cannot stay within their castle. Their drive to draw blood motivates them to take what souls they can. They venture outside of their walls to plague Lightforge and Nevermore, Friction and Raubtier, and all other settlements their heroes can breach.

The reader who is well educated in the happenings of the Multiverse, will know of the recent and timely fall of the infamous Tree Creeper guild. Many breathed a sigh of relief that the Multiverse has been rid of the TC plague spanning worlds. Yet, the slaughter the raiders of Erebos leave in their wake is astonishing. Their wanton massacre rivals that of the Tree Creepers, and their raids have brought longstanding empires like those of Lightforge to their knees.

This is a group to be feared. I shall impart upon you the happenings surrounding this infernal band of warriors to the greatest degree of truth I can preserve. What shall happen in the following tales?


Aug 27, 2011
It's a little difficult to document real events super creatively. Anyways, it was a totally epic battle, and happened a day or so ago. I tried to keep it accurate to what actuallyhappened. Here you go.

It was a morning like any other. The birds chirped, sheltered within the great tree of Lórien. The tree was not of a dark nature itself, but below its roots sprawled a great citadel, the home of the notorious Tree Creeper guild. Miles distant lay the Kingdom of Edolas. For years had they suffered under the raids of the TC, and now that the guild had fallen into disrepair, they made their move.

The heroes of Edolas made their approach to Lórien through the nearby Herogate. Their knights dove into the sea, swimming to the road that led to the continent which housed the great tree. Emerging from the disturbed waters, they garrisoned upon the road to begin their march. When they arrived, they made their presence known. The horns of war blew into the calm airs, flocks of birds flitted from the trees, fleeing the cacophonous sounds. The sentient denizens of Lórien heard this too. Whether human or otherwise, one thing was certain of the Tree Creepers, they loved killing.

Emerging from the tree, the TC began their defense. The air filled with flame and arrows, smelling of smoke and blood. Through the Herogates the denziens of Erebos heard these sounds, echoing to the castle like pained ghosts. Hearing the sounds of war, sensing blood, the Erebosians armed for war as well. Running down the road to Dragongarde, the Mayor of Erebos and his contingent escorted an odd substance to spawn. Extracted from the bodies of dead creatures from the bedrock level, "Slimeballs" as they were called, allowed wizards to teleport other persons to them. Once they'd brought the substance to their Wizard, an Erebosian by the name of Aetosion, he executed the spell to bring all the battle ready heroes of Erebos to the road by Lórien.

They swooped into the battle like vultures upon a rotting carcass. Swiftly cutting through both sides of the fight, they pulled back to the road and held their position, killing any unwary hero which ventured to the edge of the forest. Many fell to Erebos that day. The forests surrounding the great tree were aflame from casters' fireballs and lightning bolts.

Daring was their downfall that day. With so many bodies lying at their feet, the battle-lusting Erebosians charged forth into the forest to mount a direct assault on Lórien. Hidden in their great tree, the defenders of Lórien burst forth without warning. Out numbered 3 to 1, the Erebosians fought. Realizing their error, they turned toward the sea to escape. Pursuing a handful of them was a samurai known as Diffuse. They turned upon him and cut deeply into his armor. Still he fought, somehow his sword arm unfailing after many a fatal blow to himself. A combatant from Erebos fell, and frightened of Diffuse's inability to die, they made hasty retreat. Little did they know a contingent of healers tended to Diffuse's every wound, his health dependent only upon their large stores of mana. Routed by the superior numbers of the emboldened Tree Creepers, the Erebosians took to the hills to observe the final hours of the battle. They suffered many wounds tended to by their leading healer, the Black Ohso, but they only lost one man to the fighting.

All of the sudden, the swarms from below Lórien collected themselves and began trekking across the distant plains, towards the towering cliffs near Eclipse.