• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
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Ellron23's Ban


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 28, 2012
Umbra, California
IGN: Ellron23
Banned by: Angyles
Time of ban: 12-28-12
Reason for ban: "Region Exploitation"
Your story: I was let into Underworld by a member of that town, Sparkydog. I stole items, as any player would do if they were let into an enemy town. I've given back the items requested. Having never been punished before, a two week ban seems unfair for the events that have taken place. I have remorse for what I have done, and I definitely won't do it again.I realize I used poor judgement in participating in something which at the time I believed was a grey area, but not a bannable offense. I now know that this is not an acceptable action on this server and I feel badly for taking part and promise to use better judgement in the future. I accept responsibility for my actions, and the terms of my ban, but given this is my first offense I would welcome any consideration for early reinstatement.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Considering you knew what you were doing was wrong, the ban is not going to be removed at this time. I was given the okay by an Admin to make it two weeks. As for the items being returned that is true, but Danda will have to rule on shortening the ban.

Danda - I know you are on Holiday, so whenever you have time, please respond to this. Thanks!