IGN: zXEliteXz20 (Yes I play XBox, No I don't no scope)
Location/Age: U.S. 17
Preavious bans: None
Referals: Loc_legend Ask1egend YoIYo xRedDeadx
How did you hear about herocraft: Friends
Yes I have voted
Have you read the eula&tos: Yes
Speacial key: HCR10 (Is this right)
Reason I shall be accepted: I have read and agreed to each rule, I am mature and would like to enhance my PvP on a server where the PvP is the best. I would like to be a good part of the community
Additionall Info: I play a few other games such as LoL and PoE
Location/Age: U.S. 17
Preavious bans: None
Referals: Loc_legend Ask1egend YoIYo xRedDeadx
How did you hear about herocraft: Friends
Yes I have voted
Have you read the eula&tos: Yes
Speacial key: HCR10 (Is this right)
Reason I shall be accepted: I have read and agreed to each rule, I am mature and would like to enhance my PvP on a server where the PvP is the best. I would like to be a good part of the community
Additionall Info: I play a few other games such as LoL and PoE