- Joined
- Aug 26, 2011
- In-game name: Ohai there. Im Dzelda! Nice to meet you ^w^
- Location & Age: 21, darn server lying to you all and telling ya im 22 though, dont believe it, Im really 126 in fox years Or was it 152...
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): Nope, have a nice clean slate. No bans -w-
- Referral(s): I do believe TomSilver and Munno directed me to here.
- Reason you should be accepted: Im an exquisite (although slow) builder on servers, and I have built what (alot of other people say) is some pretty colossal stuff. Personally, I once saw a video in which this guy was building the scaled Starship Enterprise. Or 1:3 anyways, it was cool. As in really cool As in, well, Im not a Star Trek fan, so there ya go. Anywho I dont build colossal things like that, mostly towers and such. Take a looksie!
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I heard from my friends, which said it was awesome. Im of a mind to reserve judgement till its proven, but hey, long as i have a safe material storage system, I generally dont mind what ya throw at me. Unless theyre bombs. Dont throw bombs at me.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Nope, generally dont do voting unless I think the servers worth voting for. ^w^ We shall see if I vote.
- Additional Info
- Beyond all pretensions, I am an incredibly stubborn person at times, and I enjoy the presence of having my chests both accessible and secure at the same time. Anything other would be an annoyance and somewhat unfun. I enjoy building foremost and Ive sopent months of the Black Tower making it beautiful and deadly. Ah yes,a ll that obsidian. It wasnt spawned. Just an fyi ^w^ 125 stacks. Excuse me while I go stab people. Anywho, take me as you will, I play games for fun rather than "whos better than you-ness", so I tend to jump places often. Do be a dear and let me play though, I love to build great things. ^w^