Here are just a few, of many, ways you can utilize to increase your chances of getting accepted:
- Be 100% honest on your application
- Use the proper application format
- Include all of the information requested
- Post some screenshots of your past creations
- Lengthen your application
- Check your grammar/spelling
- DO NOT just re-post your previous application
- Make a great first impression
After you have improved your application, reply to it saying it's been updated.
**There is an edit button/link in lower left side of your posts***
Where to start......
Lying about age on multi profiles.
on here says: Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 18)
yet over here: 16
Posted 26 August 2011 - 12:28 PM
In-game Name
Country and Age
America 16
Where did you here about DarkTide?
Why do you want to join?
A clan named dark tide join another server i was on, i just want to see what this server is about
Did you understand the rules?
Have you logged into DarkTide once?
and yet again over here:
Posted 30 November 2011 - 07:30 PM
In-game name:dep01
Real life age:16
Did you read the rules? Do you agree to follow them?: yes yes
Where did you hear about us?:someone i knew from another server
Why do you want to join?:i need a new server to play
Then we have this : greifing 2011-05-17 16:36:49
dep01109.74.4.175:6112 Griefer GAR Confirmation 2011-05-04 12:44:49
dep01mine.catserve.netgriefing 2011-04-27 07:57:04
dep01nobullcraft.comGriefing 2011-04-10 09:44:08
dep01 is a username on a cheat site, that is famous for script kiddies.
With all this 'good stuff' :
Good luck elsewhere.