• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

Clemsonguy's Application


May 13, 2012
In-game name: clemsonguy
Location & Age: South Carolina, 16
Previous Bans (This includes other servers): None
Referral(s): Craig Farmer (IGN _Sky_King_), Owner of Minecraft "Mintycraft" server
Reasons I should be accepted: I have read the wiki, and the rules. I have played on a server using the "Heroes" plugin. I like the whole concept of this plugin. I have always loved playing RPG games, and think it fits wonderfully with Minecraft. I am a very active player that will be on Minecraft whenever I have some free time. I hope to join a town, and to help develop it. I greatly enjoy faction plugins, and will treat the township as I do my very own factions. I am not much of a builder, but i do have very creative and practical ideas for buildings. I consider my self a great PvPer, but try to return most of the gear to the players I defeat. I also have been playing Minecraft since beta 1.2, and consider my self an all-around good player.
How did I hear about Herocraft?: I joined a server by the name of "Mintycraft", and it used the Heroes plugin. I was impressed by how well it functioned, and fit in with the rest of the game. The next day, I was looking up tips and tricks for how to become better at the game, and I saw that there was an official server for this plugin. I read through the entire wiki that day, and then I chose to form an application for this server a few weeks later.
Have I voted for this server?: Yes, I have voted on both of the provided links.
Special key: (DONT LEAVE BLANK!): HCC10
Additional Information: I am a freshmen at my high-school, and keep a solid B+ to an A, on all of my classes. I plan to attend Clemson University when I finish high-school, followed by the University of South Carolina, to take all the classes required to become an Anesthesiologist. I am in the marching band at my school, and do very well for people my age. I love dogs of every kind, and have a very healthy Yellow Labrador. I love to read books, play baseball, play with my dog, and play video games. My interests in relation to Minecraft are: hunting, PvP, PvE, exploring, and Role-Playing. I am a humorous guy, and pretty laid-back. One thing I cannot tolerate however, is hacking and using modified clients. I try and get a screenshot of the act, and send it over Skype to an admin, or moderator. For further details and information, please give me a call on Skype. My skype name is clemsonguy2091, and I am free after 5pm on weekdays, and most of the time on weekends. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you find me as a suitable applicant. Oh and also, i will try to refrain from having an excessive amount of wolves in my pack :cool:.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
***Reviewing application***

I should auto accept you for the Clemson comments lol. A very good friend of mine, her husband went there so he is always Clemson this and Clemson that =)


May 13, 2012
I accidently forgot the Special Key the first time.... *Facepalm* I hope my application is still acceptable.