- Joined
- Dec 10, 2014
Hello, I am making a post suggesting 5 new classes ( that may not be used ) but I got bored so i thought of stuff for each class I marked down on word ( even a prof suggestion ) anyway here we go!
Spectre - The Dead Assassin
Spectres are refered to as dead beings that apear to the living ( they mostly haunt people ) so why not implament a rouge class based on a dead assassin?
Skills Example:
Passive: Curse - When you strike a person, a purple particle apears on their head ( max of 3 curses can be applyed to people ), cursed people will receive additional effects caused by the Spectre's skills ( think of blood union ) CURSES CANT BE APPLIED TO A PERSON WHO IS ALREADY CURSED
New Skills:
Screech - Scare the person by emmiting a bellowing scream, causing AoE ( set damage ) Cursed People will suffer additional damage and suffer Nausea for 4 seconds
Shadow Sneak - Slip into the shadows for 5 seconds, going invisible in the process and if striking while in shadows, deal ( set damage ) and apply blindness to victim Cursed players hit by shadow sneak will suffer a longer blindness timer + reduced movement speed
Soul Swap - Swap buffs with your target ( player ) Cursed players who are soul swapped will lose mana and mana will be given to the Spectre
Consume Curse - Consume the curses you applyed on people, granting mana back ( give a 90s cool down for this skill )
Corrosion - For the next 30 seconds, your melee attacks cause a decay effect, causing short mana drain and slowness Cursed players will also suffer from ( set damage ) for the 30 seconds ( timer is not reset for person who suffered corrosion )
Glaucoma - Damage the persons eyes, Causing Full blindness ( Blindness + Night Vision ) for 3 seconds Cursed players will suffer from full blindness for 5 seconds instead of 3 and will be slowed for 3 seconds
Spirit Return - Return your spirit to your dead body, spawning you near your death point Cursed people near your body when you respawn near your dead body will be knocked back and will be blinded for 2 seconds ( Spirit Return will drain the user of 75% their mana and will also cost 25% of user )
You guys can add some skills that already exist from the other rouge classes like you do with your caster classes ( like how Beguiler and Wizard both get pulse ) ect ect. Anyway if you have any problems or opinions on this post, place it in the comments below and nag at the problems, remember i was bored when making this post and it took me around 1 hour to think of custom skills and effects, well enjoy this post i guess

Spectre - The Dead Assassin
Spectres are refered to as dead beings that apear to the living ( they mostly haunt people ) so why not implament a rouge class based on a dead assassin?
Skills Example:
Passive: Curse - When you strike a person, a purple particle apears on their head ( max of 3 curses can be applyed to people ), cursed people will receive additional effects caused by the Spectre's skills ( think of blood union ) CURSES CANT BE APPLIED TO A PERSON WHO IS ALREADY CURSED
New Skills:
Screech - Scare the person by emmiting a bellowing scream, causing AoE ( set damage ) Cursed People will suffer additional damage and suffer Nausea for 4 seconds
Shadow Sneak - Slip into the shadows for 5 seconds, going invisible in the process and if striking while in shadows, deal ( set damage ) and apply blindness to victim Cursed players hit by shadow sneak will suffer a longer blindness timer + reduced movement speed
Soul Swap - Swap buffs with your target ( player ) Cursed players who are soul swapped will lose mana and mana will be given to the Spectre
Consume Curse - Consume the curses you applyed on people, granting mana back ( give a 90s cool down for this skill )
Corrosion - For the next 30 seconds, your melee attacks cause a decay effect, causing short mana drain and slowness Cursed players will also suffer from ( set damage ) for the 30 seconds ( timer is not reset for person who suffered corrosion )
Glaucoma - Damage the persons eyes, Causing Full blindness ( Blindness + Night Vision ) for 3 seconds Cursed players will suffer from full blindness for 5 seconds instead of 3 and will be slowed for 3 seconds
Spirit Return - Return your spirit to your dead body, spawning you near your death point Cursed people near your body when you respawn near your dead body will be knocked back and will be blinded for 2 seconds ( Spirit Return will drain the user of 75% their mana and will also cost 25% of user )
You guys can add some skills that already exist from the other rouge classes like you do with your caster classes ( like how Beguiler and Wizard both get pulse ) ect ect. Anyway if you have any problems or opinions on this post, place it in the comments below and nag at the problems, remember i was bored when making this post and it took me around 1 hour to think of custom skills and effects, well enjoy this post i guess