You'll want to push your endurance up to 34 points so you can get full iron + diamond chest plate, I recommend pumping at least 18/19 into Wisdom for healing boosts and dumping the rest into strength and constitution, I haven't found the right mix yet. Always carry a shield around with you- it can't be taken from you when you're disarmed and the iron door does decent damage (better than your bare hands), and you can almost never go wrong with reckoning.
As a paladin, you're meant to be part of a team. When you are, bind intervene to one of the squishies, try to keep Holy Aura up (it also pushes away/damages undead! Very useful when hunting zombie hordes). Your heals will help others more than they'll help you, so good communication is key. As for what to bind... it's hard to say. Strike and Bash are both good. Bash if you're fighting mages/casters. Using Divine Stun when they're slowed from reckoning is also pretty useful.
Above all, keep moving. Don't make yourself an easy target for mages. You can use magic ward to lower damage from them, and you can reflect a lot of damage from things like bolt, so I recommend binding that to a shield when you get to that point.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I'm probably the longest running Paladin you're going to find on this server.