IGN: Boogeymen
Muted by: Kainzo I'm guessing, only staff online.
Time of mute: 7/29 around 10:45 PM.
Channel: Offtopic.
Reason for mute: I assume for being a bit too voulgar.
Your Story: Warmachinexp said "anyone want 18 stacks of gold ore?" and my response was "I DONT", then warmachine went on to say "I guess warmachine gets it" and I said (jokingly) "what a fag, lucky kid" and then I got muted.
I do realize there is no excuse for this so I'm not going to try and dig myself out of the punishment, I do realize what I've done was a bit too much.
Muted by: Kainzo I'm guessing, only staff online.
Time of mute: 7/29 around 10:45 PM.
Channel: Offtopic.
Reason for mute: I assume for being a bit too voulgar.
Your Story: Warmachinexp said "anyone want 18 stacks of gold ore?" and my response was "I DONT", then warmachine went on to say "I guess warmachine gets it" and I said (jokingly) "what a fag, lucky kid" and then I got muted.
I do realize there is no excuse for this so I'm not going to try and dig myself out of the punishment, I do realize what I've done was a bit too much.