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Bombboa's whitelist application


Feb 19, 2012
I have already posted this on minecraft forums but I'll post it here as well because I really want to be added.

In-game name: Bombboa
Location & Age:Northern territory, Australia. Born : March 28 1998 that makes me 14 next month
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None (check MCbanns it should confirm)
Referral(s): me, my self and I
Reason you should be accepted: I LOVE role-play and i cant find very many servers that feature it
aside from big servers such as Legendarycraft but I have applied twice there and no reply =(
Have you voted for Herocraft:I am now =D
Special Key: {HCB7}
Additional Info:I'm moving back to my home town around my birthday so if i am gone for a while than that is the reason because i won't have internet.


Jul 11, 2011
1. Here are just a few, of many, ways you can utilize to increase your chances of getting accepted:

- Be 100% honest on your application
- Use the proper application format
- Include all of the information requested
- Post some screenshots of your past creations
- Lengthen your application
- Check your grammar/spelling
- DO NOT just re-post your previous application
- Make a great first impression

If you follow these tips, chances are, you will get onto the Whitelist.

After you have improved your application, reply to it saying it's been updated


Feb 19, 2012

  1. In-game name:Bombboa
  2. Location & Age:NT,Australia
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers):None (MCBans will confirm)
  4. Referral(s):Me,My self, and I
  5. Reason you should be accepted: I really like RPG and can't find many that have a good RPG system that doesn't have me fill out a HUGE application form (such as LegendaryCraft )
  6. How did you hear about Herocraft?: I found out about it via Minestatus
  7. Have you voted for Herocraft?: Yes I Voted Yesterday on Minestatus
  8. Additional Info: I am moving back to my hometown around the 28th so if I'm not on around then it is because I don't have any Internet available. I'm normally on RPG servers a Forest elf thief/assassin and I like lore a lot (did I mention that?) so her is the lore for my character : I have come to the humans in search of work so that I may return to my family with enough cash to buy us a better home. Also I am fairly good at making skins here are some pictures of skins I have made:

Edit: I changed the lore a bit because I'm not entirely sure I want to be a mage or a rouge yet