- Joined
- Feb 19, 2012
I have already posted this on minecraft forums but I'll post it here as well because I really want to be added.
In-game name: Bombboa
Location & Age:Northern territory, Australia. Born : March 28 1998 that makes me 14 next month
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None (check MCbanns it should confirm)
Referral(s): me, my self and I
Reason you should be accepted: I LOVE role-play and i cant find very many servers that feature it
aside from big servers such as Legendarycraft but I have applied twice there and no reply =(
Have you voted for Herocraft:I am now =D
Special Key: {HCB7}
Additional Info:I'm moving back to my home town around my birthday so if i am gone for a while than that is the reason because i won't have internet.