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Suggestion Bard - Tweaks


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
I've been playing around with bard and I would just like to suggest a larger range of their skills/buffs. It seems that you have to have everyone huddled together pretty close to get the affects spread out between most of them and that is extremely difficult when you're supposed to be a support class and the buffs don't last long so the whole time everyone has to be together, so it would just be nice if the range could be slightly increased. I also think that icyaura shouldn't have a warm up, since it has to wait a few extra seconds after the first tick to completely work which feels like another warm up. Not sure about pulse but it would be nice if it could be bumbed back to when it did 20 damage (just a thought and not completely necessary, but currently it's barely used unless there is someone hiding behind a wall or underground close enough to hit, but even then it doesn't help a lot).

Please let me know what you think and post any other suggestions :D.


Aug 27, 2011
Against the pulse and icyaura changes, but I like the idea of increasing the range. I'd say a location-centric fight would span somewhere between 20-100 blocks, so a casting range for buffs that's about 30-60 would be sensible. I'm not quite sure what it is right now, I should know though.

I'd say if you're outside playerentity render distance, you shouldn't be able to apply a buff. Names dissapear around 50-60 blocks, and become unreadable around 30 blocks (unless you have an optifine zoom function, or they're standing still). 75-90 is where the physical player is no longer visible at a max render distance.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
The reason I brought up icyaura is because right now it has a two second warm up and then a tick in between, so it basically acts like two warm ups. Pulse, currently, is pretty useless even when in MA's because cleaves are much better.

The distance currently for each buff is pretty short, I can't tell you how many times I have a group chasing someone or going to raid a town and they get out of range of my quicken and I have to slow down and go back to them because the buff didn't reach them. So i'm suggesting that the range be increased.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
The bard is a copy of the EverQuest bard - you had to stay within a very close vicinity in order to retain and keep the buffs when they were re-applied.
I have no intent in buffing the range to 100R.

If you think Pules/Icy are useless - dont use them or change classes - they have a very specific use and are currently at expectations. The warmup on Icyaura is a side effect of Geomancer's having it - we can fix that quite easily.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
I'm not saying that icy-aura is useless at all, it just doesn't make sense to me when to have a warm up. Pulse, i'm confused on because it only does 12 damage, has a warm up, and seems only useful in attacking someone through a wall (which doesn't help much anyways) or in PvE.

And it's difficult to stay close to your team when you have a very large group. And I'm not asking for that large of a range, not sure on what it is now, but I think if it was buffed (to about 25 ?) it would be better.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I'm not saying that icy-aura is useless at all, it just doesn't make sense to me when to have a warm up. Pulse, i'm confused on because it only does 12 damage, has a warm up, and seems only useful in attacking someone through a wall (which doesn't help much anyways) or in PvE.

And it's difficult to stay close to your team when you have a very large group. And I'm not asking for that large of a range, not sure on what it is now, but I think if it was buffed (to about 25 ?) it would be better.
http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/patch-3-52.19829/ read the latest notes


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
Was wondering if it was possible to create a skill for bards that would act like wisdom but instead of affecting the players mana it would help regenerate stamina.


Jan 24, 2012
I suggested this ingame a bit ago and was asked to put it here:
For level 60 Bard skill:
Concealment (or some other name): Works similarly to Smoke, but on the entire party. For a high stamina use (and possibly 1 gunpowder per party member), a Bard could turn everyone in the party invisible for 10 seconds. The cooldown would be much longer than Ninja's, and the stamina use would take the bard down from full stamina to barely being able to sprint. This would allow for a party losing a battle to basically scatter and get away.


Holy Shit!
Nov 6, 2011
I suggested this ingame a bit ago and was asked to put it here:
For level 60 Bard skill:
Concealment (or some other name): Works similarly to Smoke, but on the entire party. For a high stamina use (and possibly 1 gunpowder per party member), a Bard could turn everyone in the party invisible for 10 seconds. The cooldown would be much longer than Ninja's, and the stamina use would take the bard down from full stamina to barely being able to sprint. This would allow for a party losing a battle to basically scatter and get away.
10 secs would be way to long, but maybe 5 or 6 would be reasonable


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2012
this would make ninjas useless and unoriginal
I don't think it would make them useless at all, remember they still have other skills that makes them deadly in and of them selves. But it is taking away from their only original skill that makes them different from other classes.