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Ban appeal

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Since it has been over a week I figured I may as well try again now that I know why.
IGN: Alexhoff1
Banned by: Kainzo
Time of ban: Early june (4/5)
Reason for ban: "Staff disrespect"
Your story: Well.. I guess I was pissed first of all. After being called a "vile little child" "a miserable kid" amongst other insults, I decided to call angyles a "female dog" and "power hungry". I'm sorry for the rash decision, however I believe it was fair given the circumstances and what she said to me - if you can't see this, w/e.
On another note, the person that told me wasn't banned, so this shouldn't be included as a reason. For the rest of the conversation - the staff have been more or less rude to me, and they seem to have made kainzo pissed at me too - I do believe under a week prior to when I was originally insulted - kainzo called me an asshole for my comment "I thought kain was relatively new to coding.." In response to someone in offtopic - he then said "He's just trolling" and "Ignore the asshole" (The conversation was longer, but I forget what it was about). Also I believe that the conversation I had in TELLS was a confidential conversation that you guys dug the logs up in order to ban me.

In the end, I bet I will never be unbanned because of how much most of the staff either hates or dislikes me. I can't believe I was banned for this conversation in tells, after you / your staff insulted me in offtopic, tells, w/e. Thanks for your time I suppose.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I have no bias towards you, but I do have bias towards those who toe step the line and constantly berate the community, almost at every turn you were disrespectful and just out right trolling in some cases. It gets old.

In several conversations you boasted that server xyz was better than Herocraft, so why not just go to those servers and leave this one alone? :)

Despite your inability to understand the rudimentals, we have sufficient evidence against you and have banned you for breaking the rules of the server.

Good luck.
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