There are so many things the community as a whole has pretty much agreed upon. Dreadknights have been far too powerful for far too long. While I am no coder I don't think that small number tweaks would really be that absurd to expect even for small balance fixes. Reducing armor and damage of dreadknights by a small amount should not be that hard.
I understand the balance team is a team and you have to come to a group consensus sort of, but do you even look to the community who has agreed on things greatly for a long time? If so and it is a Kainzo issue, can't you put some pressure on him by bugging him a bit? Whenever a "normal" player tries to get things changed people always say "suggestions forum". Well that seems to have nearly never worked for balance this map.
Kainzo As far as I understand the balance team was created so that you would not have to deal with whining about classes and could just stick to implementing the changes that the balance team decides on. All we ask is that you please implement the changes they choose. I can't be sure if they are even choosing changes, but if they are can you just implement some of them.
@TheBalanceTeam There are a lot of things to consider when looking into concerning balance. The thing is, balance should not have to wait for all of the things to be worked out completely. If the balance team cannot come up with a full solution to the problem of, lets say dreadknights, then can you give a small solution that could help ease a little of the problem such as reducing damage of harmtouch by 5 or changing diamond hat to iron hat?
I have been inactive for almost a month I believe and in that time nothing has changed. The parties that are there to make herocraft a more enjoyable place need to work together and work hard to come up with anything that can improve the quality of life of the players on the server. All I ask is that you do your jobs in a timely manner. It really doesn't sound like it is that hard to manage balance to a small extent. Yes, it is hard to achieve real balance, but you can at least be highly proactive for issues that are very apparent at the current time and deal with later issues at a later date.
Essay typed by standymcmanderson and not diffuse.