- Joined
- Nov 18, 2011
- In-game name: Ayohae
- Location & Age: Michigan, 16
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None, woohoo!
- Referral(s): None
- Reason you should be accepted: I read the wiki, all of the rules and the Terms of Service. I also read all of the application rules and guidelines as well as some of the other applications to see where they made mistakes. I'm really a nice person, I enjoy playing Minecraft with others and being a member of a town and a community that I can chat with, play the game with, and be a part of. I've used some of these plugins before, such as Heroes, LWC, and iConomy (probably some others too), so you won't have to deal with a large amount of questions from me about those.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: The server I used to play on had the Heroes plugin, and I found this server while looking up the plugin. I also saw some videos on YouTube showing the server.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes!
- Additional Info: I absolutely LOVE the Heroes plugin. The server I used to play on (it died after 1.8 came out) had it and it was very fun to play. I like the PvP aspect that Heroes adds to the game, and participated somewhat frequently in PvP on my previous server. I like levelling up my character in a party as well. I'm a junior in high school and I'm also a Latin nerd, that's rather interesting I suppose.