- Joined
- May 12, 2012
Minecraft In-game name: 1MR3
Location & Age: Australia, 16
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
Referral(s): none
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I heard about this server from a friend and from that have read about it on the "top 10 Gamefront minecraft servers".
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
Reason you should be accepted: I have thoroughly read through the rules and firmly agree them, I'm creative and enjoy building all types of structures and have aspired to building a city on this server if I'm accepted, I would always be respectful to other players and would jump at an opportunity to help fellow players out, I would never spoil the game for anyone else but would create an enjoyable atmosphere between me and other members.
Special key: HC14
Additional Info: I have read up on the Heros plugin and it sounds amazing, just the idea of transforming Minecraft from a building simulator into a fully functional RPG game is a great idea and the implementation of diverse classes with their separate paths! This seems like a really impressive server and I would love nothing more than to be apart of it.
Location & Age: Australia, 16
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
Referral(s): none
How did you hear about Herocraft?: I heard about this server from a friend and from that have read about it on the "top 10 Gamefront minecraft servers".
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
Reason you should be accepted: I have thoroughly read through the rules and firmly agree them, I'm creative and enjoy building all types of structures and have aspired to building a city on this server if I'm accepted, I would always be respectful to other players and would jump at an opportunity to help fellow players out, I would never spoil the game for anyone else but would create an enjoyable atmosphere between me and other members.
Special key: HC14
Additional Info: I have read up on the Heros plugin and it sounds amazing, just the idea of transforming Minecraft from a building simulator into a fully functional RPG game is a great idea and the implementation of diverse classes with their separate paths! This seems like a really impressive server and I would love nothing more than to be apart of it.