- Joined
- Jul 31, 2011
- Location
- Saskatchewan, Canada
In-game name: AngelicChaos
Location & Age: Nineteen; Saskatchewan, Canada
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
Referral(s): None
Reason you should be accepted: While I've only owned Minecraft for two weeks, I have spent a lot of that time online struggling to learn how to play and grasp certain concepts like the MCMMO plugin. The current server I'm on isn't much on the RPG side of things. I'd like to be given the chance to look around and play around with people to get a feel for something new. I'm intrigued by all the classes that are offered, it gives the game a more.. sophisticated feel. From what I've been reading, the server seems akin to some of the higher level games that offer level ups and classes that branch off into separate paths to create an intricate and exciting gamestyle. While I may not be one of the most experienced players in Minecraftia, I take pride in my learning and by joining the server I'd be able to learn something new and have a lot of fun while doing it.
How did you hear about Herocraft?:
Have you voted for Herocraft?: Yes (July 31, 2011 at 4:57 AM)
Additional Info: This is only my second week playing Minecraft and only the second server that I have applied to (the first one is Cobaltium, which I try to actively participate in). I would like a chance to explore and get used to the different styles of gameplay that various servers offer. That being said, my time online can be very awkward because my laptop has decided it doesn't want to let me play games anymore and overheats randomly. While I try to resolve this problem, I hope it isn't a hindrance to my application for the server.
Location & Age: Nineteen; Saskatchewan, Canada
Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
Referral(s): None
Reason you should be accepted: While I've only owned Minecraft for two weeks, I have spent a lot of that time online struggling to learn how to play and grasp certain concepts like the MCMMO plugin. The current server I'm on isn't much on the RPG side of things. I'd like to be given the chance to look around and play around with people to get a feel for something new. I'm intrigued by all the classes that are offered, it gives the game a more.. sophisticated feel. From what I've been reading, the server seems akin to some of the higher level games that offer level ups and classes that branch off into separate paths to create an intricate and exciting gamestyle. While I may not be one of the most experienced players in Minecraftia, I take pride in my learning and by joining the server I'd be able to learn something new and have a lot of fun while doing it.
How did you hear about Herocraft?:
Have you voted for Herocraft?: Yes (July 31, 2011 at 4:57 AM)
Additional Info: This is only my second week playing Minecraft and only the second server that I have applied to (the first one is Cobaltium, which I try to actively participate in). I would like a chance to explore and get used to the different styles of gameplay that various servers offer. That being said, my time online can be very awkward because my laptop has decided it doesn't want to let me play games anymore and overheats randomly. While I try to resolve this problem, I hope it isn't a hindrance to my application for the server.