IGN: rk1220
Location and Age: I'm 15 Years old. and I live in the Texas, which is in the US.
Location and Age: I'm 15 Years old. and I live in the Texas, which is in the US.
- Banned stuff: Yes I know I have been banned from lots of servers for lots of reasons, most of them are for greifing, and getting greif blamed on. Second, is advertising, my cousin, who has his own server pretty much sends his friends on other servers to advertise but i never do that anymore. Also I have a little sister who uses my account and gets me banned from a lot of servers. And yes times I do bad things and get banned but I am not into that anymore. Soz that i am not so specific. But at least those are some reasons why.
- How I found out about HeroCraft: Well, my friend MAIL919 and I were looking for a server that used the heroes plugin after one server we played on called Smite craft shut down (yes I was banned from it. I was getting in fights a lot.) . Once we found out, We played on for a little bit then got off. But now we are back! and I am ready to apply!
- Voted: Yes
- Subbed: No I don't have a you tube account but I'm getting one soon
- Yes I do Agree to the Terms and Rules.
- HCR6
- Reason to be accepted: I love plugins and I know what im doing with them, so I wont be using the ones I can use for bad doings. Second, I know how to use plugins so I can make sure everyone in my town is protected, safe and sure to have good time. Also another thing is that I am pretty trustworthy when it comes to making sure everyones house is safe from greif, So no greifers can come and greif my friends! As you can kinda see I am really bad at making reasions on why I should be whitelist..since Im not doing a staff kind of thing I dont know how to do this part very well...and the last thing is, is that If I dont make this application I'll be letting my friends down. Its ok if you dont accept it but I would love it if you accepted my application! --thank you for taking your own time to read my comment, from, rk1220