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Application for whitelist

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Feb 18, 2012
  1. In-game name: Hydroplant
  2. Location & Age: Eastern USA (I dont like sharing private information) Age 21
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None that i know of
  4. Referral(s):None
  5. Reason you should be accepted: I like being a part of a community and i really think i can bring great buildings to this server.
  6. How did you hear about Herocraft?: I was searching for a minecraft server on the internet
  7. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes i have
  8. Additional Info:i really want to be part of a server with no griefers cause i know what it feels like to be on a server like that. I hope that you consider me.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
Hello, Hydro. You state 21 years of age in your application, but 27 in your profile.
Additionally, you stated 16 here.
Lastly, I invite you to revisit your ban for xraying.

I find your reasoning in this appeal to be very interesting. You took the time to read our application thread, but did you take the time to read our rules? Surely it's common sense that Xraying is illegal, but we do go to great lengths to remind our users that it is. Personally, I want to be part of a server with no xrayers 'cause I know what it feels like to be on a server like that. Good luck elsewhere, Hydroplant. Your application is denied.


Feb 18, 2012
i dont even know how to download mods on my minecraft so i dont know why it would say that somewhere and like i said in my application i just dont like people to know personal information so thats why i choose a different age on all my accounts that i have for any website.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
There is no denying that the ban is yours.
As for the age- We asked you to be honest on your application, there is no excuse for being dishonest with us.


Feb 18, 2012
so your saying that you want to know everything about me? isnt that a little stalkerish? my age is my PRIVATE bussiness and if your server is full of people who want to know PRIVATE things, then i dont want to be a part of it anyway.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
Were your age a major concern, you could have simply stated "Please PM me for age/location" and it would have remained between you and your proctor.
Your age is necessary information. Had you read our ToS before posting, you would know that we have a minimum age requirement by law.

I am glad you no longer wish to join us, as you are not welcome on Herocraft. Good luck on another server, Hydro.
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