Minecraft In-game name: gata22super22.
Location and age: Portugal,Almada,17.
Previous Bans from other servers: 4 i think but only one of them was actually me, i griefed in a server called roleplaycraft,but the other three was a hacker my account was hacked one day. Dont worry i WONT grief this server.I promisse
How did you hear about Herocraft: Well I found it cause I was serching classes and RPGs Minecraft servers and this one poped out and i watched the trailer and saw the ratings and i thought to myself that i needed to try it out.
Have you voted for Herocraft ?: Yes.
Have you subscrided to our Youtube channel ?: Actually, I didnt, but you now refer it so, I'm going to subsribe.
Do you agree to Herocraft EULA and ToS ? : Of course.
Special Key: HCG13
Reasons you should be accepted: I'm mature and polite, I dont cause great confusions and I almost don't say swears, I created a server myself with my friends, I love building medieval houses and castles and, I would like to have my own building place without being offended by others and I've read the rules and the wiki.
Thanks for wathcing this tread.
P.S.: Sorry for bad spelling because im portuguese.
P.P.S.: I didnt put screenshots of my constructions because everytime i finish a construction I delete that world.
Thanks again.
Location and age: Portugal,Almada,17.
Previous Bans from other servers: 4 i think but only one of them was actually me, i griefed in a server called roleplaycraft,but the other three was a hacker my account was hacked one day. Dont worry i WONT grief this server.I promisse
How did you hear about Herocraft: Well I found it cause I was serching classes and RPGs Minecraft servers and this one poped out and i watched the trailer and saw the ratings and i thought to myself that i needed to try it out.
Have you voted for Herocraft ?: Yes.
Have you subscrided to our Youtube channel ?: Actually, I didnt, but you now refer it so, I'm going to subsribe.
Do you agree to Herocraft EULA and ToS ? : Of course.
Special Key: HCG13
Reasons you should be accepted: I'm mature and polite, I dont cause great confusions and I almost don't say swears, I created a server myself with my friends, I love building medieval houses and castles and, I would like to have my own building place without being offended by others and I've read the rules and the wiki.
Thanks for wathcing this tread.
P.S.: Sorry for bad spelling because im portuguese.
P.P.S.: I didnt put screenshots of my constructions because everytime i finish a construction I delete that world.
Thanks again.