- Joined
- Jan 20, 2012
- In-game name: alphaslime
- Location & Age: U.S.A. 15
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
- Referral(s): micdoodle8, vahala (probably, not good with names)
- Reason you should be accepted: Lot of time to spare for the server (no life). I am willing to help out the community to make sure everyone has a good experience. I also have a habit of giving stuff to new players. If i have a lot of gold or iron (sometimes even daimond), i will give some of it out to people who could use it.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Looking for some friends, several of which are on this server.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yep.
- Additional Info: I like building massive towers and flying ocean bases in the shape of inverted pryamids. I also have an obsession with piston doors and other redstone stuff (i am also willing to help people out who want to learn it as well).