- In-game name: agentpaco
- Location & Age: Nashville, TN. 15 years old.
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None.
- Referral(s): None.
- Reason you should be accepted: I am a good builder and avid RPG lover. I actually run my own RPG server called The Skyward World of Games. Obviously not as big and successful, but it has had a great response and is growing quickly thanks to the plugins you all have coded. I am good with money and such so a merchant would be something I could describe myself as. I think I offer a lot of experience and fun to the HeroCraft server!
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Got the Heroes plugin along with HeroBounty and HeroScoreboard and thought that whoever had all these great ideas might have a even better server!
- Have you voted for Herocraft?: Yes! Just did!
- Additional Info: I love playing Minecraft and my Playstation as well. Kingdom Hearts and Skyrim are two of my favorite games of all time. I do gaming videos (minecraft and call of duty) on youtube with my friend, and I have my own comedy channel on youtube named 2whiteguysandthenerd. I hope I have filled out this application as thoroughly as possible and hope to hear back soon!