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Suggestion Add class Ultimate abilitys


Jul 9, 2013
I think that each class should get a ultimate ability at level 50. For example, Pyromancers could do a meteor shower where they rain fireballs at their cursor location. Wizards could create a thunderstorm in an area. I know many RPG games that have ultimate abilitys.

Longer list of Ultimates:

Caster Classes:

Pyromancer- Meteor Shower sends multiple fireballs from the sky at a set location, burning the target to a crisp.

Wizard- Thunderstorm. Creates a thunderstorm above the target location. Strikes down and stuns all inside the area.

Nercomancer- Volcano. Blasts fire from underground. Sets the ground at the selected area all on fire for a set duration. Based off of where you are looking

Beguiler- Clone. Creates a complete copy of yourself. Party members will beable to see the difference, because the name of the fake one will be green or something. Enemys will see them as the exact same. The clone will walk around and attack your target. Lasts about 10
Healer Classes:

Cleric: Lightstorm. Uses the power of light to strike down lightning on an area. The lightning will severly burn the target for 8 seconds. Gives your party a damage resistance buff based upon how many players Lightstorm hit.

Mystic: TreeBarrage: Surronds your target in trees. The target is then rooted and hit with true damage. Root effect lasts 8 seconds, trees last 12 seconds.

Bloodmage: Bloodstorm. Surronds your enemy in a storm of blood(the regen heart effect). The target is blinded and damaged. The amount of damage dealt is split into the entire party, but instead of hurting them, it heals them.

Disicple: SuperKick. Kicks your enemy with extreme power, sending them up to 20 blocks away. When the target lands, he/she is silenced and slowed.

Warrior Classes:

Paladin: SuperShield. Infuses your iron door with the power of light. Your shield will then deflect all arrows, which go flying back at the enemy. It also will absorb 90% of melee damage. Any magic-typed skills, like fireballs, will be sent back aswell. Lasts 5 seconds.

Samurai: Tornado Slash. As fast as the speed of light, you slash at all nearby enemys. Does very low damage, but disarms and silences all enemys hit.

Dragoon: Ultimate Leap. Puts a mark on your enemy. This mark will last 20 seconds. The mark does no damage. If you use the skill again, you will leap into the air and fall down on the targeted enemy. This will blind, silence, and stun your enemy. It will deal true damage.

Anddd too lazy to make the rest. You think of it :)


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 17, 2013
Longer list of Ultimates:

Caster Classes:

Pyromancer- Meteor Shower sends multiple fireballs from the sky at a set location, burning the target to a crisp.

Could work.

Wizard- Thunderstorm. Creates a thunderstorm above the target location. Strikes down and stuns all inside the area.

Could work.

Nercomancer- Volcano. Blasts fire from underground. Sets the ground at the selected area all on fire for a set duration. Based off of where you are looking

Isn't necro suppose to be evil or something?

Beguiler- Clone. Creates a complete copy of yourself. Party members will beable to see the difference, because the name of the fake one will be green or something. Enemys will see them as the exact same. The clone will walk around and attack your target. Lasts about 10


Healer Classes:

Cleric: Lightstorm. Uses the power of light to strike down lightning on an area. The lightning will severly burn the target for 8 seconds. Gives your party a damage resistance buff based upon how many players Lightstorm hit.

What's "the light"?

Mystic: TreeBarrage: Surronds your target in trees. The target is then rooted and hit with true damage. Root effect lasts 8 seconds, trees last 12 seconds.

I sense massive coding.

Bloodmage: Bloodstorm. Surronds your enemy in a storm of blood(the regen heart effect). The target is blinded and damaged. The amount of damage dealt is split into the entire party, but instead of hurting them, it heals them.

please, Bloodmage already got enough skills like this, we don't need another one except it's aoe version.

Disicple: SuperKick. Kicks your enemy with extreme power, sending them up to 20 blocks away. When the target lands, he/she is silenced and slowed.

This is copied from http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/disciple-superkick.41021/

Warrior Classes:

Paladin: SuperShield. Infuses your iron door with the power of light. Your shield will then deflect all arrows, which go flying back at the enemy. It also will absorb 90% of melee damage. Any magic-typed skills, like fireballs, will be sent back aswell. Lasts 5 seconds.

Could work.

Samurai: Tornado Slash. As fast as the speed of light, you slash at all nearby enemys. Does very low damage, but disarms and silences all enemys hit.

What's the range/how does Samurai target?

Dragoon: Ultimate Leap. Puts a mark on your enemy. This mark will last 20 seconds. The mark does no damage. If you use the skill again, you will leap into the air and fall down on the targeted enemy. This will blind, silence, and stun your enemy. It will deal true damage.

Blind, silence, stun AND damage? I sense nerf.

Anddd too lazy to make the rest. You think of it :)

Technically, there is a "ultimate" skill, it just camed out as the level 65 skills, such as disciple have the "ultimate" skill: qualvering palm (idc if I spelled it wrong :p)


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
Ultimates in games are balanced off the fact that you will be in a set location, grouping, etc. They are also balanced based that there will only be one of each on a team. Unlike deathmatch games, most pvp battles on Herocraft are short skirmishes. This would make it that whoever spammed their ults first would win and then recall away. In short, I think they are a bad idea and wouldn't fit in the type of server that Herocraft wants to be.


Sep 24, 2012
Paragon, Bastion
This is a good suggestion yet I, just do not see this happening anytime soon.
Or perhaps ever, this is just like malikdanab said: Whoever spams their ult. first is almost be guaranteed a win. Good luck on the suggestion! Perhaps others think otherwise and this might get implemented,
might be, or won't be...