• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
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Jul 18, 2014
Mountain Resort

Leaders of Acadia
Mayor: BoDuhal
Second in Command:
Franniested -(recruiter)


Craftsmen of the Town:
Town Alchemist:
Town Enchanter:

Town Engineer:
Town Farmer:Dannjos-BoDuhal
Town Miner:Franniested-BoDuhal

Town Smith: lcmoe14
Town Runesmith:

Acadia is built on the top of a Mountain and has began as Hamlet. We first started by burrowing into the mountain top to create a level area for housing. Looking down from the top of the mountain you can see the valleys and water in the distance.

Acadia's mayor is BoDuhal, This is a starting town were players can gain ranks and grow with in the HC community and the town. The officers of town will work together to grow the community and Their word is law within the township, please follow their directions.

Tax & Donations:

Taxes are currently set at 0c per player. Any donations to the town are accepted.

Town Chat Channel:

/ch ad (pw) ask ingame for password

Town Rules/Mechanics:

    • Follow all the rules of the Herocraft server.
    • Please note that you would be joining a community.
    • Build restrictions - Do not build outside your plot limits and Do not dig into town farms below. If you have any questions please consult BoDuhal, OR one of the Officers.
    • Plot Limits are defined.
    • Do NOT steal, grief, or attack other citizens of Acadia.
    • Do NOT steal, grief, or attack citizens of allied towns.
    • DO NOT DIG within the town region unless approved by BoDuahl, or a Manager.
    • DO NOT MINE THE TOWN ORES, any respawning ores within the town are off limits.
    • No mines from your basement. Most housing has its own basements.
    • Citizen's houses must be aesthetically pleasing.
    • Cover all your CHESTS. ALWAYS!
    • Must be active, You need to be active enough to join in atleast 1-2 hr.s per week. if inactive for more than 14 days you will be evicted! You must have money in your account or the town plugin will evict you!
    • Everything you leave inside of Acadia belongs to the Mayor. If you leave Herocraft and do not return for a while, your assets may be taken by the Mayor when you are removed automatically for inactivity. They will either be stored or redistributed among the people. If you return, I will help you get back on your feet out of my own coffers.
    • If player submits a leave of absence notice, that can be dealt with on a case by case basis.
      • Whatever agreements made on each case shall be honored.

On-Going Projects & Goals:

    • Build Housing, Build Town Plugin required items.
    • Build streets, work on existing walls.
    • Level to max combat/profession.
    • Make souls and contributions to the township to UPGRADE!

Current Citizen(s) total: 14
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Jul 18, 2014
Recruitment Status
Recruitment is **OPEN**

To Apply: copy and paste into a new post, fill out the information asked and someone will be in touch with you shortly:
If you are found to have lied on this application, you will be evicted from the town immediately!
Do not apply if you hack in any way, that will not be tolerated here!
If you join this town for Malicious Reason, I will have you Banned!

Copy & paste items below this line:


1. In-game Name?:
2. Players Age:
3. Time Zone:
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?:
5. How did you hear about Acadia?:
6. How long have you been on the Server?:
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?:
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?:
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?:
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?:
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?:
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?:
13. Will you connect to Discord?:
14. Do you have a microphone?:
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?:
16. Can you join and listen to us?:
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?:
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?:
19. Additional info you might want to add:
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Jan 30, 2017
Recruitment Status
Recruitment is **OPEN**

To Apply: copy and paste into a new post, fill out the information asked and someone will be in touch with you shortly:
If you are found to have lied on this application, you will be evicted from the town immediately!
Do not apply if you hack in any way, that will not be tolerated here!
If you join this town for Malicious Reason, I will have you Banned!

Copy & paste items below this line:


1. In-game Name?: JayDoesStuff
2. Players Age: 13
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: Because I love protecting and helping out towns
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: I heard about Acadia by looking at the server website
6. How long have you been on the Server?: I have only been on it for an hour
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: I would like to become an engineer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: I have not been in any
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Protecting it and porviding the town with resources
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Yes because I love doing it
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: Yes
14. Do you have a microphone?: No
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: No
16. Can you join and listen to us?: No
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add:
I really can't wait to join and serve this town!
Jan 30, 2017
1. In-game Name?: Mcshizzledong
2. Players Age: 19
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: To have a small home community.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: 1 week.
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Druid class, pursuing engineer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No, dont know how to
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Town construction, farm grinding, general town duties.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Will support combat classes when possible
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: dont have it
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Yes, speakers.
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yes.
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yees.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add: willing to pursue engineer career. I havnt played MC since before most of the new engineering tools were added, so Id need some time to learn what it is and does before I can truly help. Just be willing to answer questions and Ill contribute to the construction of the Hamlet.
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Jan 30, 2017

1. In-game Name?: softpine
2. Players Age: 17
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: I think it would be a nice comfortable place to have my own home community.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: A couple of hours, I just started
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Necromancer, wanting to be a Farmer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Magic casting, town defense
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: I will try.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: No
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Yes, speakers
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yes
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add: I am not completely educated on many things in MC, but I would enjoy being apart of your community and will contribute as much as I can for the benefit of everyone as a whole.


Jan 30, 2017
1. In-game Name?: Lxys
2. Players Age: 16
3. Time Zone: GMT 00:00
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: I wish to join Acadia as it is a small, but powerful community. Personally, I enjoy working in small/moderate group and Acadia seems just that.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: I saw you advertising it from the recruitment channel in-game.
6. How long have you been on the Server?: I've only been playing for a few house, however, being part of Acadia will surely change that as I will be active a lot of the time.
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: I've only just started, however, I am Runeblade and CRAFTER.
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: n/a
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: Not as far as I know of, only been on here for a few hourse.
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I'm very productive and have a good mindset; I will work and work until I have accomplished my goal. I am good at PvP if that is applicable as well.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Of course I will defend my home town and my allies as they will essentially be my family.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Indeed, I will follow rules; why would you not? It wouldn't be fun without rules.
13. Will you connect to Discord?: Indeed.
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: n/a
16. Can you join and listen to us?: n/a
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes, I will hold full responsibility
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: I do not have a preference.
19. Additional info you might want to add: Despite being new to Towny and RPG, if someone can guide me every now and again I am a very fast learner. I am very flamboyant and easy to get on with and I believe that you should accept this letter of application because I am really looking forward for what I have planned for Acadia.


Jul 18, 2014
1. In-game Name?: Lxys
2. Players Age: 16
3. Time Zone: GMT 00:00
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: I wish to join Acadia as it is a small, but powerful community. Personally, I enjoy working in small/moderate group and Acadia seems just that.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: I saw you advertising it from the recruitment channel in-game.
6. How long have you been on the Server?: I've only been playing for a few house, however, being part of Acadia will surely change that as I will be active a lot of the time.
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: I've only just started, however, I am Runeblade and CRAFTER.
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: n/a
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: Not as far as I know of, only been on here for a few hourse.
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I'm very productive and have a good mindset; I will work and work until I have accomplished my goal. I am good at PvP if that is applicable as well.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Of course I will defend my home town and my allies as they will essentially be my family.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Indeed, I will follow rules; why would you not? It wouldn't be fun without rules.
13. Will you connect to Discord?: Indeed.
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: n/a
16. Can you join and listen to us?: n/a
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes, I will hold full responsibility
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: I do not have a preference.
19. Additional info you might want to add: Despite being new to Towny and RPG, if someone can guide me every now and again I am a very fast learner. I am very flamboyant and easy to get on with and I believe that you should accept this letter of application because I am really looking forward for what I have planned for Acadia.
Welcome to Acadia, get with me and ill set you up in town


Jul 18, 2014
1. In-game Name?: Mcshizzledong
2. Players Age: 19
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: To have a small home community.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: 1 week.
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Druid class, pursuing engineer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No, dont know how to
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Town construction, farm grinding, general town duties.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Will support combat classes when possible
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: dont have it
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Yes, speakers.
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yes.
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yees.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add: willing to pursue engineer career. I havnt played MC since before most of the new engineering tools were added, so Id need some time to learn what it is and does before I can truly help. Just be willing to answer questions and Ill contribute to the construction of the Hamlet.
Welcome to Acadia, get with me and ill set you up in town


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 21, 2014
1. In-game Name?: Mcshizzledong
2. Players Age: 19
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: To have a small home community.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: 1 week.
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Druid class, pursuing engineer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No, dont know how to
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Town construction, farm grinding, general town duties.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: Will support combat classes when possible
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: dont have it
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Yes, speakers.
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yes.
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yees.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add: willing to pursue engineer career. I havnt played MC since before most of the new engineering tools were added, so Id need some time to learn what it is and does before I can truly help. Just be willing to answer questions and Ill contribute to the construction of the Hamlet.



Jul 18, 2014

1. In-game Name?: softpine
2. Players Age: 17
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: I think it would be a nice comfortable place to have my own home community.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: A couple of hours, I just started
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Necromancer, wanting to be a Farmer
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Magic casting, town defense
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: I will try.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: No
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Yes, speakers
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yes
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE
19. Additional info you might want to add: I am not completely educated on many things in MC, but I would enjoy being apart of your community and will contribute as much as I can for the benefit of everyone as a whole.
Welcome to Acadia,
Feb 2, 2017
1. In-game Name?:BlackCypher_
2. Players Age:16
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?:Im new to game and I want to have fun.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: A couple of hours, I just started
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?:I am Arcane Wiz. Prof, TBD
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Magic casting, town defense, farming, alchemist, and others when I get better
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: I will try.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: No/dont know what that is
14. Do you have a microphone?: no
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Reg Headphones
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Not sure
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE and PVP
19. Im a nice friendly guy. I like making friends


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 21, 2014
1. In-game Name?:BlackCypher_
2. Players Age:16
3. Time Zone: Eastern
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?:Im new to game and I want to have fun.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: In-game chat
6. How long have you been on the Server?: A couple of hours, I just started
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?:I am Arcane Wiz. Prof, TBD
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: none
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: No
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Magic casting, town defense, farming, alchemist, and others when I get better
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: I will try.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Yes
13. Will you connect to Discord?: No/dont know what that is
14. Do you have a microphone?: no
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: Reg Headphones
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Not sure
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yes
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PVE and PVP
19. Im a nice friendly guy. I like making friends



Retired Staff
Feb 3, 2017
1. In-game Name?: Rhyvia
2. Player's Age: 19
3. Time Zone: GMT
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: Because it seems like a nice place to get on my feet.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: Bo's advertising on the server
6. How long have you been on the Server?: About 2 days
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Necromancer, and hopefully Runesmith.
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: None haha.
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: Nope, and I have literally no idea what those are anyways.
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I am quite a good builder, and I am usually happy and cheery, so there's that I guess.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: To the best of my abilities haha, though even as a PvP class I can't do an awful lot yet. Though that will change pretty soon!
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Sure
13. Will you connect to Discord?: Every now and again, it seems to hate my computer a bit though xD
14. Do you have a microphone?: Sadly not ATM
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: I have a set of gaming earphones, though sadly those don't have a mic either. I guess imma be the silent person haha. Though I can always type for now.
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yeah, that's no problem
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yeah. I am a good noodle.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: I like 'em both, though I lean towards PvE on most servers
19. Additional info you might want to add: Rhyvia backwards is Aivyhr. Neat huh?


Jul 18, 2014
1. In-game Name?: Rhyvia
2. Player's Age: 19
3. Time Zone: GMT
4. Why do you wish to join Acadia?: Because it seems like a nice place to get on my feet.
5. How did you hear about Acadia?: Bo's advertising on the server
6. How long have you been on the Server?: About 2 days
7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Necromancer, and hopefully Runesmith.
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: None haha.
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: Nope, and I have literally no idea what those are anyways.
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I am quite a good builder, and I am usually happy and cheery, so there's that I guess.
11. Will you defend Acadia and it's allies? and why?: To the best of my abilities haha, though even as a PvP class I can't do an awful lot yet. Though that will change pretty soon!
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of Acadia?: Sure
13. Will you connect to Discord?: Every now and again, it seems to hate my computer a bit though xD
14. Do you have a microphone?: Sadly not ATM
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: I have a set of gaming earphones, though sadly those don't have a mic either. I guess imma be the silent person haha. Though I can always type for now.
16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yeah, that's no problem
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Yeah. I am a good noodle.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: I like 'em both, though I lean towards PvE on most servers
19. Additional info you might want to add: Rhyvia backwards is Aivyhr. Neat huh?
Welcome to Acadia, get with me or Franniested in game to get an invite!!