2.USA, Texas
3.i got banned for griffing cause my brother got on my account on a rp server, and be causee i said hi in a abuse mod server
5. i looked up 1.5.2 servers
6. no but ill do so when i get white listed
7.no but ill do so when i get white listed
8.yes i agree to Herocraft EULA & ToS
10.i love the server and rpg i have been on many rpg servers and i luv ur server and can tell u put a lot of work into it
2.USA, Texas
3.i got banned for griffing cause my brother got on my account on a rp server, and be causee i said hi in a abuse mod server
5. i looked up 1.5.2 servers
6. no but ill do so when i get white listed

7.no but ill do so when i get white listed

8.yes i agree to Herocraft EULA & ToS
10.i love the server and rpg i have been on many rpg servers and i luv ur server and can tell u put a lot of work into it