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Search results

  1. Lagerqvist

    Lagerqvist's mute appeal

    Wasn't that stating a fact? Or am I wrong there? What in that picture would provoke a global mute? Pretty much as close to a ban as you'll get?
  2. Lagerqvist

    Lagerqvist's mute appeal

    IGN:Lagerqvist Muted by: @TimForReal Time of mute:2015-05-23 11:58 pm GMT+1 Server/Channel: Global mute Reason for mute: No idea Your story: I've got pictures to show what lead to the global mute, and none of it provoked one.
  3. Lagerqvist

    Lagerqvist's mute appeal

    It could've been a new player for all i care, i don't like him and it has nothing to do with him being staff or not. Him being staff doesn't mean he can piss people off and not be able to take shit back, that logic is just stupid.
  4. Lagerqvist

    Lagerqvist's mute appeal

    IGN:Lagerqvist Muted by: @Irishman81 Time of mute:2015-05-23 11:38 pm GMT+1 Server/Channel: /ch o Reason for mute: He hates my guts, he's just trying to escape his battle. Your story: He muted me for saying " The fact that Irish is a human terrifies me."
  5. Lagerqvist

    Lagerqvist's mute appeal

    IGN:Lagerqvist Muted by: @Irishman81 Time of mute:2015-05-23 11:10 pm GMT+1 Server/Channel:Shout Reason for mute:He dislikes me, i dislike him. Your story:He didn't like what i was putting down.