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Search results

  1. DaPGrey

    (out dated) Releasing the HeroModPack!

    ETA on HeroMod? (sorry if this comes across as impatient)
  2. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Necro Skill: SummonHorde

    That would be a pretty awesome idea, being able to 'tame' the undead. I was just about to go over the finer details of it, but I just realized that it sadly wouldn't work very well. Firstly, it definitely couldn't be a skeleton because too many people would complain about it being overpowered...
  3. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Spell Names

    Yes, leap is definitely much cooler and rpg sounding than jump... I'll still write down a lot of spells and such and the Latin words, but I'll also try to think of simply 'English variations' if you will, of some skills.
  4. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Spell Names

    Righty then... tell me what you think. Also, on this I will give everyone the individual word meanings, as well as the 'spell' so necessary changes can be made. Adficorpus - Drainsoul Adficio - to Drain Capio - to Take Anima/Animas/Animus - Soul Corpus/Corporis - Body Infecio - Poison...
  5. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Add a skill call "transformation"

    Very creative, however that sadly wouldn't work. Yes, it would show the mob, but you wouldn't be able to control the mob you're riding, and it would still attack and act as the mob would normally. Therefore, a skeleton would still act as a skeleton, and shoot at people, a slime would still hop...
  6. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Necro Skill: SummonHorde

    I am still very new to this server, I apologise that I hadn't seen the previous suggestions :3
  7. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Necro Skill: SummonHorde

    Whilst bumbling about in my nation chat, we started talking about the necromancer, someone had mentioned that they thought it odd necros weren't able to summon zombies and skeletons. The skill would... Summon a horde of 2 Zombies (+0.1 per level) next to the target. If this cannot be done...
  8. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Add a skill call "transformation"

    No plugins I have seen have been able to transform the player model for the client, only for the server... maybe a coder can look at some code from the Shape Shifter mod... but I don't think that a plugin can change the client model without additional client mods.
  9. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Spell Names

    Mmm... there's a difference between nerdy and roleplay. But, if you're really that concerned about having a 'nerdy' reputation, you shouldn't be playing minecraft.
  10. DaPGrey

    Suggestion Spell Names

    Hmmm, yes, I didn't think of that. I suppose that because I am the one that translated them, I know which is which very easily, but if someone uses, say, SuperKick (or is it called FlyingKick?) on you, you would know to try a ForcePull or something on them. I did say... So, it could still...