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  1. M


    Thank you! ^.^
  2. M


    Hello LightningCape, it has been a couple day since your last post regarding your willingness to whitelist me. I wanted to check in on the status of it. I am looking forward to enjoying Bastion over the weekend if possible! :) Thank you, moeski1999
  3. M


    I look forward to your response, thank you. BTW I believe that Darklink567 accidentally posted in my thread. :)
  4. M


    Yes, I do understand, and I will be sure to not have it happen in the future. Any blocks destroyed, regardless of the cause, will be replaced on a person's property or in their home.
  5. M

    SUPERLOLERZ ban appeal

    Thank you, Angyles. I appreciate your communication and assisting me as I get up to speed on HeroCraft. *bows low*
  6. M

    SUPERLOLERZ ban appeal

    I read the rules, I didn't connect my actions with a rules violation. Again, I apologize.
  7. M

    SUPERLOLERZ ban appeal

    I was unaware of the precise specificity of the definition of griefing. I thought it was for things much more destructive, such as tnt or destroying areas. I didn't realize that I had to replace blocks exactly as broken, nor replace the harvesting. I apologize for that and will immediate...
  8. M


    It says "Griefing on Greyson" and will not let me in. I have posted an appeal with details on the appeal forum: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/superlolerz-ban-appeal.40981/ Thank you for your help. :)
  9. M

    SUPERLOLERZ ban appeal

    IGN: moeski1999 Banned by: Does not say on login screen. Time of ban: 06/30/13 Reason for ban: On login screen it says: "Griefing on Greyson" Your story: I was mining around below the world, collecting iron. When I got off of Minecraft for lunch, the next time I logged in, I was banned. I am...
  10. M


    Sorry about the typo, my correct Minecraft Premium account name is moeski1999. Also, I just got kicked for griefing, but I am completely at a loss as to why.... Are you able to help with this as well, and provide me with the reason for the griefing complaint and/or lift the kick, please...