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Search results

  1. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    Hacked account list?
  2. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    I am unable to access the email I used to register, is there another way to verify the ownership of my account?
  3. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    I know im trying to sign into my old email adress
  4. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    Will do 2 minsWhen I reset my password to my email address it only lets me reset sacapuntas1 password.
  5. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    Pro killer was also created for a friend, IGN: smierc, and the other two were also forgotten, you may remove all the other accounts if you wish so.
  6. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    The first account I created was for my friend who at the time couldn't create an account. His IGN is jacksjams. Then I created the account malagos as my account but after a couple months I forgotten my password for malagos and I as unable to find a button to reset my password, this is the reason...
  7. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    I think the last time I was on the server was maybe about 6 months.
  8. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    Sorry about the title I don't know how to change it.
  9. sacapuntas1

    Banned, no idea why.

    IGN:Sacapuntas Banned by: @(Banned by an operator) Time of ban: No idea Reason for ban: No idea but the reason given is "Banned by Operator" Your story: Logged on after a couple months and this