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  1. stickm8

    [Town] Nemesis - [12 + 4] - Neutral

    Citizen list update, removed innactives
  2. stickm8

    Should Towns Publicly Name and Shame Those Theifs

    this thread was made before the blacklist was up sorry
  3. stickm8

    Should Towns Publicly Name and Shame Those Theifs

    We dont have enough room for a list of every1 on the server. Normal raidings fine, im talking about those who you trust and have access to everyones chests, which i think is a dick move
  4. stickm8

    [Town] Nemesis - [12 + 4] - Neutral

    taxes paid this week @kainzo, another offline payment i cant seem to get on when the admin team is on sorry.
  5. stickm8

    Official Township Plugin <No longer applicable>

    I got to say i love this, it's hard being a mayor from where i am (australia) and finding an admin on to pay you tax. The message thing seems great and thank god for child regions.
  6. stickm8

    TownShip BlackList

    Stickm8 Mayor of Nemesis
  7. stickm8

    [Town] Nemesis - [12 + 4] - Neutral

    taxes paid for this week to @Brutalacerate so dont kill us all :P
  8. stickm8

    Should Towns Publicly Name and Shame Those Theifs

    Well basically what it says in the title. To many times have my town and other towns been robbed by rogue members, and i think its only right that we should be able to warn others of their misdeeds in order to spare the rest of the towns, what does everyone else think?
  9. stickm8

    [Town] Nemesis - [12 + 4] - Neutral

    taxes paid @Kainzo this week, I no you weren't online but i dont want to miss a payment Also citizen list update remove pizzalover111 for inactivity Also removed gdare1 for stealing from other town members, debt must be re-payed otherwise the policy on thieves will be implemented. I'd like to...
  10. stickm8

    Earn money by turning off your towns protection

    I don't think towns should forcefully have to give up their protection for the sake of a bit of pvp, they worked hard to earn it