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Search results

  1. Mr_Lolrus

    ALERT Minecraft 1.8.1 released on Herocraft!

    1.8.0 clients will still be compatible for 1.8.1/1.8.3 right?
  2. Mr_Lolrus

    Bug Banners from 1.8 are NOT Craftable

    When crafting something I don't know how, usually it lists the classes that can craft said item as a response, but for banners, it only shows that I don't know how to craft it.
  3. Mr_Lolrus

    Armistice - Righteous PVP

    Accepted. We'll help get you sorted out in-game. Declined. You will need some levels and playtime. Also, you are a level 3 ranger, not 43.
  4. Mr_Lolrus

    [1.8.0] Installing Optifine and Macro/Keybind Mod

    Optifine just recently updated then.
  5. Mr_Lolrus

    Armistice - Righteous PVP

    Accepted. The superiors will help get you sorted out in-game. Declined. Accepted. I'll help get you sorted out in-game.
  6. Mr_Lolrus

    [1.8.0] Installing Optifine and Macro/Keybind Mod

    Please do. I'll update the post.
  7. Mr_Lolrus

    Armistice - Righteous PVP

    Both accepted. The superiors will help get you sorted out in-game.
  8. Mr_Lolrus

    Armistice - Righteous PVP

    Accepted. I'll be contacting you within the next few days.