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  • "When I'm not mercilessly beating children to death online and laughing manically over their battered, lifeless, virtual corpses, I can be found having a quiet evening in watching re-runs of friends or having long walks on the beach." - JacobBurkey's dating profile
    Do me a favor Jacob, if you wish. As much as I am honored that your childish spite would force you to go through my older posts in order to F-Palm everything I write, it is rather sad that you must do this every time I decide to share a legitimate opinion about your unacceptable behavior on these forums. If you could grow past that pea sized lump in your head you so eloquently call a brain that's be great.
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    TBH i would f palm all ur posts if i gave any fucks about hc
    @MunchlaxHero I'd leave him alone if he'd leave me alone. Simple enough, I think. But obviously even he can't actually push himself to do that.
    You sound like a little whiny bitch on a dead forums, life doesnt work that way kid, grow a pair and be the bigger man
    Kindly stay off of my town's application. You are smart enough to know not to, but dumb enough to do it anyways. I reported you. Ik that you get off on pissing people off, so I figured I'd let you know and let you angry wank yourself.
    Idk man you seem pretty salty, it's called humor and you need to get some buddy. You're taking the internet way too seriously, take a chill pill and go outside :)
    If you were genuinely just being "humerous", then fine. I apologize. You found a town that you have no connection to in any way, and made a direct insult toward 2 of my members. So I feel that you can maybe understand my salt.

    Feel free to troll and be funny on my profile. Do it in the appropriate places. Not in places of business.
    oh god don't even say business on a minecraft server..lol. They said they were "9/10 at pvping" and I said "lol" you need to calm down lmfao.
    Dude stop being an asshat. Negatively rating all my posts really does nothing because I only have 10 posts where as you have 473. I've met dudes like you on every forum I enter and I could easily ask someone nice to just positive rate all my posts so it cancels out. The rating system wasn't invented to disrepsect others nor to treat them like crap, it was created for constructive criticism.
    Buddy, you're just a random fucking new player who doesn't mean anything. You're annoying as shit and I rated your post f-palm because it was worthy of a f-palm. You sounded like a 5 year old whining and that's why I gave the rating. Then you think you're just big hot shot because I rated your f-palm so you randomly put a f-palm on my that you probably didn't even read
    Just happened to be every single one of my posts, right?
    No if you knew how to look at times, I f-palmed one post. Then you f-palmed my post because again like I said, you're some random ass annoying noob who thinks they can do whatever the fuck they want lol. Then I f-palmed your posts. That's what happens bud.
    Lol, staff positions are such a fucking joke now. Xexorian put like 2 minutes into his apps and literally copy&pasted for mod and proctor.
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    I later applied for architect and helped build on several spawns, and spawn plots and other structures we've used as well as themes and architecture bits and pieces around the server. Tell me how I don't value a staff position? I care about the server JacobBurkey and I always have.
    The staff applications are kind of basic, I'll give you that, but what more should I have put? If you have any sort of constructive criticism I'd be happy to, and love to, know what it is, good sir. You can always talk to me via a PM. =]
    gg epik dank memer xexo, good 1 super lol xd. noober no value staff qq no re
    @JacobBurkey is now employed at Penguin_Strip_Club!
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    Wooo! Been waiting for this job forever!!!
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